Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Saturday, May 31, 2008

prediction for mallika

मल्लिका शेरावत पूर्व में एयर होस्टेज रह चुकी हैं। आपका जन्म 24 अक्टूबर 1982 को तुला लग्न में हरियाणा के रोहतक जिले में हुआ। तुला लग्न वाली लड़कियाँ अधिकांशत: इकहरे शरीर की होती हैं। लग्न में शुक्र, ‍शनि, गुरु, सूर्य हैं।

शुक्र सुंदरता का प्रतीक है तो आपकी सुंदरता को शनि ने और प्रभावी बना दिया। आपकी पत्रिका में दैत्यों के गुरु शुक्र और देवताओं के गुरु बृह‍स्पति भी विराजमान हैं। जहाँ सूर्य नीच के हैं तो सूर्य का नीच भंग भी हो रहा है। दो पंच महापुरुष राजयोग में से एक मालव्य व दूसरा शनि से बना यश योग भी है।

आपकी पत्रिका में सुखेश जो जनता भूमि भवन भाव का स्वामी शनि व पंचम मनोरंजन भाव का स्वामी उच्च का होकर लग्न में कला के कारक शुक्र के साथ है। आपने हॉलीवुड के प्रसिद्ध अभिनेता जैकी चेन के साथ भी अभिनय किया व काफी चर्चा में रहीं। 'वेलकम' में आपने सेक्सी इमेज को तोड़ा, लेकिन कई कलाकारों के साथ होने से आपकी ज्यादा पहचान नहीं हो पाई। आपको सेक्सी इमेज में देखना ही पसंद किया जाता है।

मल्लिका शेरावत पूर्व में एयर होस्टेज रह चुकी हैं। आपका जन्म 24 अक्टूबर 1982 को तुला लग्न में हरियाणा के रोहतक जिले में हुआ। तुला लग्न वाली लड़कियाँ अधिकांशत: इकहरे शरीर की होती हैं। लग्न में शुक्र, ‍शनि, गुरु, सूर्य हैं।

आपको यदि अच्छा मौका मिले व पटकथा के साथ कोई मँझा हुआ डायरेक्टर मिले तो आपकी प्रतिभा कुछ अलग ही नजर आएगी। आपकी पत्रिका में कुछ अच्छे राजयोग हैं। लेकिन इसके साथ-साथ उन्नति में बाधक दो योग भी हैं एक कालसर्प योग, दूसरा शनि की मंगल पर तृतीय दृष्टि जो पराक्रम में है।

सप्तम पति का भाव होता है अत: दाम्पत्य जीवन नष्ट होता है। कालसर्प योग भी आपकी उन्नति में बाधा का कारण बनता है। गोचर ग्रह यदि शुभ दृष्टि लग्न पंचम पर डाले तो वह जातक के लिए कुछ समय अच्छा व्यतीत होगा। आपकी राशि धनु है गुरु तृतीयेश व षष्ठेश होकर शुक्र की राशि तुला में है जो बाधक भी है। लेकिन शनि का गोचरीय भ्रमण सिंह में चल रहा है। वहीं शनि की तृतीय दृष्टि उच्च लग्न पर पड़ रही है। जो आपको परिश्रम द्वारा लाभ पहुँचाएगी। वहीं सप्तम भाव पर स्वदृष्टि पड़ने से मनोरंजन के क्षे‍त्र में भी कुछ सहायक होगी।

शनि की दृष्टि शुभ नहीं मानी जाती लेकिन उच्च, स्व या मित्र दृष्टि हो तो परिणाम शुभ देती है। अत: आपके लिए शनि सिंह में जब तक भ्रमण करेगा तब तक समय ठीक रहेगा। शनि 16 अगस्त 2009 से कन्या में जाएगा। उस समय आपको सावधानी रखना होगी।

Wednesday, May 14, 2008



Similar to other books of astrology, Lal Kitab also gives a detailed description of the significance of mangal. According to this book, mangal (Mars) is an ungraceful and atrocious planet. Mangal has been described in two forms-gracious and brutal. The God of gracious mangal is Hanuman ji which has been acknowledged in all the astrological texts. The Gods of brutal mangal are ghosts. But in the Lal Kitab, Kartikeya is considered the head of this planet. He is the son of Lord Mahadev and brother of Lord Ganesha. That is why it has been suggested in the astrological texts to worship Hanuman and Kartikeya to maximize their grace. The grace or brutality of mangal is of high order as this is not a middle level planet. They are at their extremes. In Lal Kitab, mangal has been considered gracious in certain conditions. For instance, if both Sun and Mercury are together, mangal will be graceful. Besides, if Sun is in the 6th house, Saturn or Jupiter is in 3rd, 4th, 8th or 9th house, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are together, Mercury and Ketu are in one house, two opposite planets are in one house, Chandra lagna is in the fourth or rajya bhav, in prakram, or Chandra shukra, Chandra mangal shukra or shukra and other friends of mangal (sun, moon or Jupiter) are helping mangal, then constellations are considered positive for that person.

Unholy mangal is known as Veerbhadra in Lal Kitab and is has been accepted that mangal is neither brutal nor benevolent. Its characteristics can be analysed only on the basis of horoscope. It has been said in Lal Kitab that when the friendly planets of mangal are not helping mangal then it becomes negative. If there is presence of Sun or Saturn in the horoscope, then mangal becomes negative. When mangal does not get help from his father Sun, then it becomes brutal. If sun is in the 5th or 9th house with Ketu or in the 6th or 12th house with Rahu or in the Surya lagna, mangal is in the 8th house or sun and Venus are in the 7th house or sun and mercury are not helping mangal, then mangal becomes ungraceful.

As is well known, if mangal is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house, then we have “mangal dosh”. It has also been said in Lal Kitab that mangal in these houses are not good. In astrology, mangal in second house is also considered to be good. But mangal in the second house could be inactive and powerless. Mangal dosh signals the negativity of mangal. The places where mangal dosh formation takes place have special importance in kundali. For instance, from the first house of mangal, health, body etc are analysed. If mangal has the negative influence in the first house then that person will suffer from the health problems. He will also be rigid and aggressive. From the 4th house, comforts, happiness, wealth, house, vehicle and consumer items are analysed. From the 7th house, life of spouse and pleasure is analysed. If mangal has bad influence on the 7th house then this will create troubles in the married life of that person. From the eighth house, life and age of a person is analyzed. If there is a mangal dosh here, then a person can face several problems. There is a fear of death also here. From the 12th house, losses, expenditure, punishment, insult etc are analysed. If mangal is present in this house, there will be unnecessary expenditure and the person will lose sleep due to this.

The presence of mangal in various houses has different results. However, this is universally accepted that conjugal life is related to the above description of mangal. In the married life, body, mind and pleasure have special importance. Mangal dosh affects the conjugal life but the confluence of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Sun with Mangal has diminishing effects. This has also been accepted in the Lal Kitab that mangal has its worst impact if it is located in the seventh and eighth houses but in the vyaya house it has very limited impact. Fundamentally, mangal dosh creates an obstacle in cordial family relationship because agni elements are dominant which is not affected by other ordinary planets. As a result, person turns aggressive, rigid, passionate and short tempered. This affects the family life of that person.

In Lal Kitab, certain methods have been described through which a person, rich or poor, can overcome the evil impacts of mangal without much efforts. There are various methods suggested in this book but some of the general methods are applicable for all mangal doshas. This must be followed. For instance, the metal of mangal is copper and moonga jewelry. Honey and sweets are favorite of mangal. Through pacifying it and worshipping, lagna can be made powerful. Fast on Tuesday, worshipping Hanuman ji, donation of honey, vermillion, lintel, sleeping on animal skin, using pure silver, assisting brother etc are some of the methods through which mangal dosh can be overcome. Worshipping Hanuman ji is the best method of controlling the evil impact of mangal. There is also a provision of worshipping Kartikeya and earth. One can also worship mangaldeva or his niece Yamuna. Worshipping of Sun God is also helpful. These methods of Lal Kitab prove to be very effective. By following these methods even an ordinary person can thwart the evil impacts of mangal without any side effects.

If mangal lagna is unholy or there is a mangal dosh, a person should not accept gifts and should not take anything without paying the cost. Objects made of elephant teeth should be kept in house.

If mangal in the fourth house is bad then that person should not start business of honey and sugar. Serve monkeys, animals and mother. Give sugar and gram to monkeys. This is also the remedy for evil mangal in the eighth house. Get the blessings of widows and distribute salt on son’s birthday.

If mangal is negative in the seventh house, then the person should distribute sweets to sister, in-laws, daughter and aunts. Do not be a false witness in the court of law. Wife should wear red colour silver bangle. If mangal is evil in the vyaya house, then the person should take honey empty stomach in the morning, donate in the temples and serve food to other people.

Hence, Lal Kitab prescribes methods for overcoming mangal doshas. There are different prescriptions based on lagna which is not possible to be deliberated upon here. But the easiest method has been described in this book. Therefore, this book has special importance in astrology. In these methods, importance has been given to human relationships. It has been suggested that by serving mother, aunt, sister, uncle and other relatives, the impact of mangal dosh can be minimized. The favourite God of mangal is Hanuman who was devoted to Lord Rama. Hanuman ji is especially generous to celibates. But since it is necessary to have family, the meeting of husband and wife becomes necessary. In this case, commitment towards each other becomes essential. Apart from taking simple food, non-vegetarian foods have also been permitted.

To sum up, by following the methods prescribed in Lal Kitab, one can overcome the evil impacts of mangal dosh and can make one’s family and conjugal life happy and prosperous.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Jupiter turns Retrograde

Jupiter turns Retrograde

Jupiter is a benefic planet known for bestowing wealth, intelligence, education, knowledge, devotion, prosperity, faith, royal honor and children and is turning retrograde on 9th of may 2008. It shall turn Direct only in October 2008. In general retrograde Jupiter can confer following effects for different moon signs:-

Aries:- Opportunities await you. Rewards are likely for those who have focused objectives. Financial pressure likely to built up in coming days. Avoid borrowing or lending money. Talk to relatives and friends to unburden you. Family get together can bring happiness. Elders and children demand attention. Persons with persistent health problem need extra care.

Taurus:- Professional recognition and transfers are likely for few. Finances shall improve despite heavy expenses. Finish all pending jobs; avoiding speculation shall be foremost during this period. Partners shall be supportive of ideas and plans. Personal life and matters related to it need special attention. Argument with children can lead to tension – don’t strain beyond a point. Time to improve upon you health and dietary pattern.
Gemini:- On Career front, it shall be a mixed period with nothing exceptional. This period can be stressful for partnerships. Those in partnership might suffer losses. Avoid arguments with boss/ colleagues, as this might harm you adversely. Expenses can go over budget during this period. Persistent stress/ strained family relations shall be there. Health of mother can also be a source of concern for you. Good period of students/ success in competitions. Debt/ loans should be avoided.
Cancer:- Pending jobs shall be completed and new projects shall start taking shape. Avoid discussions at work place at it might strain relationships. Speculation/ legal matters shall be avoided. Money making ventures might not bring satisfactory results. There are likely chances of overspending. Your spouse and family shall do things to please you. Social gatherings shall bring new richness in life. Those suffering from health problems need extra care.

Leo:- Strong resilience and fearless shall boost your morale and keep things moving. Avoid hasty decisions while negotiating on important deals. Money matters remain stable. Plans shall get executed as per dead lines. Expenses on renovation, luxuries and vehicles are likely for few. Friends and family shall brighten up life. Relax and spent time with them. Health of some dear one can be source of concern. Better to check your diet during the month.

Virgo:- It is advised to plan your days thoughtfully without relying on others. Don’t waste time on irrelevant matters. Those close to you might create problems for you. Avoid sharing secrets with others. New money making ventures shall be lucrative. Younger sibling might seek advice. Infatuation can bring odd hence be careful. Share your problem with family members they shall be helpful. Be cautious of routine exercise and diets.

Jupiter turns Retrograde

Jupiter turns Retrograde

Libra:- Don’t compel others to do things for you. Your cooperative attitude and analytical skills shall be noticed. Think twice before making commitments. Else you may land up in troubles. Expenditure shall rise so the income. Saving need extra check. Stay away from people who can bring troubles for you. Family matters can bring some trouble but you shall manage to communicate with people who matter. Thrilling news April cheer up family. Health shall be perfect.

Scorpio:- Professionally challenging assignment shall take up most of your time. Take your own decisions and you shall reap benefits. Problems related to financial matters may ease off. Speculation can be profitable for some. Time to relax with family members. Do not let children take advantage of your generosity. A short trip is likely for some. Health shall remain on better side.
Sagittarius:- On career front this period shall be worrisome. It can lead to undue pressure and tensions. Further it shows more labor and fewer gains. Financially it shall be a mixed period for you. This is the time when some of you can get recognition, but it may not be very easy, as you shall have to put in extra efforts to prove yourself. Happy news from relatives/ close friends can very well be expected. Relationships need to be given special consideration. Health of elders can be source of concern for you.
Capricorn:- Chances of recognition and gains can be expected for some. Those planning to go for an investment this are the right period. Family relations shall be more or less average. Arguments with co-bores /father are possible. Health of elders can be source of concern Good relations with children are indicated. Eligible bachelors can get married. Some of you shall be blessed with progeny. This shall be a good time for students who shall be able to achieve success and advancements. For some of you prosperous overseas visits / deals are expected.
Aquarius:- Do things that make you happy but try to stay away from others affairs. Dedication and loyalty towards work shall bring rewards. Seniors shall appreciate your efforts. Financial position shall improve. You might spend on luxuries. Time to spend some time with friends and family. New relationships/ alliances are in way. Eligible bachelors can get engaged. Be careful while signing documents. Routine exercise shall keep you in good health.

Pieces:- Negotiations with customers and clients shall work to your advantage. You shall be engrossed in moneymaking ventures. Improved finances shall enable you to pay long-standing dues. Your spouse and parents shall be supportive and helpful. Unexpected news can bring happiness and cheer in family. Drive carefully, travels might prove hectic and stressful. Overwork/ long working hours can adversely affect health.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008




After 2nd May 2008 Saturn has gone straighten & Rahu & Ketu has changed their position on 30thApril.Therefore looking at the placement of other stars where Sun & Venus have also changed, it is very clearly indicating that till 30th May 2008,market will keep on growing & it may touch 18,500 Or 18,600.

1.BSE will keep on playing between 16,400 – 18,400.

2.NSE will also keep on playing between 5,000 – 5,400 but it can also touch 5,500.

3. 3.Gold can come down to $ 820 per ounce in the Inter-National Market.

4.Silver can touch $ 15.70 cents per ounce in the Inter-National Market.

5.Oil can touch $ 120 per barrel but only after 9thMay.It may drop down to $ 105 per barrel.

6.DOWJONE once again can cross 13,500 & drop down to 12,700.

7.Real Estate & Property in will atleast see 15 % - 20 % correction in next three months

8.Vulnerable metal Iron & Steel will also see correction in the range of 10 % - 20%.


Precious Stones & Gems

Precious Stones & Gems

Precious Stones and Numbers : Wearing Precious Stones & Gems

The correct procedure for wearing a jewel is explained here, and this should be followed. The stone or the gem should be worn in a way that a part of the surface touches the skin and the other is exposed to the atmosphere. The jewel may be studded in a ring, in such a way that the lower surface touches the skin and the upper side is open, to attract the radiation from the atmosphere. Women and girls may wear the jewel as a pendant so that the lower surface touches the skin and the upper surface is open. Any part of clothing covering the pendant does not mitigate the good effect.

A word of caution here: any gem, precious stone or jewel should be initially worn for a three-day trial period. If its beneficial effect is evident, it may be worn permanently. If during the trial period of three days, the jewel shows some untoward or adverse effect, it should be discarded at once, and another piece tried in a similar manner after a few days.

The blue sapphire, the cat's eye and gomed are very potent- both for their beneficial effect and their adverse influence and, therefore, must be worn only after a period of trial. The pearl, on the other hand, does not need a trial. It always has a beneficial effect. The coral, emerald, ruby, diamond, and yellow sapphire are generally beneficial, but it is still recommended that they be worn permanently only after a trial. One point needs further clarification. Suppose you try wearing a blue sapphire,and find that instead of a happy event or good news ensuing during the three days of trial, you receive bad news or perturbing, agitating or disturbing developments take place- this would imply that the particular piece of blue sapphire does not suit you. You should, therefore, return it to the jeweler immediately, without waiting for the three-day trial period to be over.

This does not, however, mean that a blue sapphire does not suit you. It only means that that particular piece of blue sapphire does not suit you. You should, therefore, try another piece of blue sapphire after a few days.

In order to bestow a totally good effect, a gem should be without a spot, crack or any other blemish. The gem should be real and natural, and cultured or artificial.
The metals for each sector, as recommended above, must be worn next to the skin. An iron ring made out of a (i) nail from the bottom of a boat, which has been in water for over ten years or (ii) out of the shoe of a black horse, has been found very paralysis; annihilates enemies and brings good luck.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Impact of the 12 Astrology Houses

Impact of the 12 Astrology Houses

In Indian Vedic Astrology there are 12 houses which gives lot of reference in predicting the event of the life of an individual or nation. These houses rules different significances and gives result accordingly and their results also depend upon the strength, placement and functional nature of the lord of that particular house in a horoscope.

The placement of houses are fixed but their ascendant lord varies according to the date, time and place of birth of the native in a horoscope. The first house is always the house of an ascendant and rest of the houses follow in an anti clockwise direction. The numbers written in houses represent the number of the Zodiac signs of Astrology which are 12 in total. The number mentioned in first house denotes the rising sign of the ascendant. For e.g. if the first house contains the number of 5, then it is representing the Leo ascendant/horoscope (Lagna), similarly if the first house contains the number of 7, then it is representing the Libra ascendant/horoscope.

The 12 Zodiac signs are always in the following format.

1. Aries Mesha Mars Mangal
2. Taurus Vrishbha Venus Shukra
3. Gemini Mithuna Mercury Budha
4. Cancer Karaka Moon Chandra
5. Leo Simha Sun Surya
6. Virgo Kanya Mercury Budha
7. Libra Tula Venus Shukra
8. Scorpio Vrishchakra Mars Mangal
9. Sagittarius Dhanu Jupiter Guru
10. Capricorn Makara Saturn Sani
11. Aquarius Kumbha Saturn Sani
12. Pisces Meena Jupiter Guru


First house is called an ascendant, it represents self, vitality, nature, personality, appearance and decision. It also rules head, cranium, brain, health, recognition and longevity. When in the nativity the first house or its lord is well placed and unafflicted in a horoscope, it gives results according to its strength, transit influence and operating periods. If it is weak by placement, strength and afflicted by the malefic planets then it gives obstruction, denial and delay in above matters.


Second House represents status in life, recognition, family affairs, spouse, continuation of family life, male child, speech, right eye, gullet, teeth, neck, throat, possession of precious stones and accumulated wealth. Second House also rules the strength of the currency in a nation's chart. When in the nativity the second house or its lord is well placed and unafflicted in a horoscope, it gives results according to its strength, transit influence and operating periods. If it is weak by placement, strength and afflicted by the malefic planets then it gives obstruction, denial and delay in above matters.
Third House represents initiate, courage, new venture, learning, memory, communication, younger brother, shoulder and right ear. When in the nativity the third house or its lord is well placed and unafflicted in a horoscope, it gives results according to its strength, transit influence and operating periods. If it is weak by placement, strength and afflicted by the malefic planets then it gives obstruction, denial and delay in above matters.


Third House represents initiate, courage, new venture, learning, memory, communication, younger brother, shoulder and right ear. When in the nativity the third house or its lord is well placed and unafflicted, it gives results according to its strength, transit influence and operating periods. If it is weak by placement, strength and afflicted by the malefic planets then it gives obstruction, denial and delay in above matters.


Fourth House represents the assets, preliminary studies, domestic peace, vehicle, chest, heart, lungs, mother, resources and conduct of an individual. When in the nativity the fourth house or its lord is well placed and unafflicted in a horoscope, it gives results according to its strength, transit influence and operating periods. If it is weak by placement, strength and afflicted by the malefic planets then it gives obstruction, denial and delay in above matters.


Fifth House represents intellect, inclination, higher studies, emotions, children, speculation, stomach, pancreas, spleen and liver. It also represents past karma. When in the nativity the fifth house or its lord is well placed and unafflicted in a horoscope, it gives results according to its strength, transit influence and operating periods. If it is weak by placement, strength and afflicted by the malefic planets then it gives obstruction, denial and delay in above matters.


Sixth House represents health, financial stability, dispute, debts, employees, large intestines, kidneys and maternal uncle. When in the nativity the sixth house or its lord is well placed and unafflicted in a horoscope, it gives results according to its strength, transit influence and operating periods. If it is weak by placement, strength and afflicted by the malefic planets then it gives obstruction, denial and delay in above matters.


Seventh House represents spouse, partner, pleasure, distant & foreign travel, lumber region and uterus. When in the nativity the seventh house or its lord is well placed and unafflicted in a horoscope, it gives results according to its strength, transit influence and operating periods. If it is weak by placement, strength and afflicted by the malefic planets then it gives obstruction, denial and delay in above matters.


Eighth House represents marital tie, inheritance, death, accidents and genitals. When in the nativity the eighth house or its lord is well placed and unafflicted in a horoscope, it gives results according to its strength, transit influence and operating periods. If it is weak by placement, strength and afflicted by the malefic planets then it gives obstruction, denial and delay in above matters.


Ninth House represents father, future, fortune, settlement of life, religion, distant travel, thighs and hips. When in the nativity the ninth house or its lord is well placed and unafflicted in a horoscope, it gives results according to its strength, transit influence and operating periods. If it is weak by placement, strength and afflicted by the malefic planets then it gives obstruction, denial and delay in above matters.


Tenth House represents profession, karma, character, international recognition, joints and knees. When in the nativity the tenth house or its lord is well placed and unafflicted in a horoscope, it gives results according to its strength, transit influence and operating periods. If it is weak by placement, strength and afflicted by the malefic planets then it gives obstruction, denial and delay in above matters.


Eleventh House represents gains, income, friends, fulfillment of desires, elder brother, left ear and shanks. When in the nativity the eleventh house or its lord is well placed and unafflicted in a horoscope, it gives results according to its strength, transit influence and operating periods. If it is weak by placement, strength and afflicted by the malefic planets then it gives obstruction, denial and delay in above matters.


Twelfth House represents overseas, expenses, losses, hospitalization, imprisonment, bed comforts, feet and left eye. When in the nativity the twelfth house or its lord is well placed and unafflicted in a horoscope, it gives results according to its strength, transit influence and operating periods. If it is weak by placement, strength and afflicted by the malefic planets then it gives obstruction, denial and delay in above matters.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Malefic & Benefice effects of Kaalsarp Yog

The Malefic & Benefice effects of Kaalsarp Yog

Kaalsarp is such a Yog, which is visible in the natal horoscope with a result of the crime or the curse of some heinous crime of the pre-births. The native having this Yog earns his livelihood by lot many hardships. In spite of being born in the rich family, he suffers financial crisis unexpectedly. He also suffers various diseases.


When all the planets come between the axis of Rahu and Ketu, the knower’s of astrological science very easily come to understand that the said native us suffering various troubles due to Kaalsarp Yog. Remember all the natives suffering Kaalsarp Yog are not equally affected. The disposition of the planets and the signs in various i.e. the twelve houses and the strength of the houses and the planets and many other such points leave unfailing effect on the native. So, one need not be afraid of hearing of Kaalsarp Yog. On the other hand, natives need to get the proper knowledge of it through having it analysed by a learned good Astrologer. When he becomes aware of the factual astrological analysis, he must make the remedial measures thereof without any delay.

Mentioned below are few such Astrological combination that trouble the native very strongly and he suffers in different ways:

When Rahu and Moon are conjunct in Lagna in the natal horoscope, the native is always troubled by his isconception. He always feels as if somebody can give him losses in different ways or otherwise he is always depressed, stressed and mentally unrest.
When Lagna is Aries, Scorpio, Cancer or the Sagittarius sign and Mars & Jupiter are conjunct in Lagna, whereas ahu is placed in the fifth house conjunct with Mars and Mercury or the fifth Rahu is aspected by the planet Mars or ercury or Rahu is in the fifth house without any conjunction, then the son of the native suffers unavoidable troubles or the native himself is dragged in a criminal case or undergoes heavy pains.
When in Kaalsarp Yog Rahu is conjunct with Venus also, the native is having child trouble i.e. not having children, his children trouble him, or his children face troubles.
When Lagna and the Lagna lord both are afflicted besides having Kaalsarp Yog the native remains physically unfit as also mentally disturbed.
When no any planet exists in the preceding and the succeeding house of the natal Moon besides having Kaalsarp Yog or no planet exists in kendras from Lagna or the natal Moon, the native is mainly having financial crisis i.e. his financial state is very miserable.
When Jupiter is conjunct with Rahu the native has to face misfortune in many ways.
When either of the luminaries i.e. the Sun or the Moon is conjunct with Rahu the native suffers unfavourable situations. He is physically unfit and suffers financial problems.
When Rahu is conjunct with Shani or ‘Naandi Yog’ is present in the horoscope the native has to face adverse effects over his health and children. His suffer hurdles in job or profession.
When Rahu is conjunct with the planet Mercury or say ‘Jaddatar Yog’ is present in the horoscope, it increases his economical & social problems. It affects his financial status adversely.
When eighth Rahu is aspect by either of the malefic planet i.e. Sun, Mars or Shani, it gives delay in marriage.
When Shani is posted in the fourth house and Rahu in twelfth house of the natal horoscope, the native is a big fraud and cunning person. He can get into big trouble due to such nature.
When Moon and Rahu are conjunct in Lagna and either Mars or Shani is posted in the fifth, ninth or the twelfth house of the natal horoscope, the native does not enjoy mental health or we can say he is mentally upset. He has to be troubled by ‘Pret-Pishach’ hurdle.
When ‘Navmansha’ lord of the tenth house is conjunct with the Mars, Rahu, or Shani, the native is prone to fire threat. He must be warned against it.
When Navamansha lord of the tenth lord is conjunct with Rahu or Ketu the native has to undergo death like pains.
When Rahu and Mars are placed sixth-eighth to each other or Rahu is aspected by the planet Mars, the situation of the native worsens.
When Lagna sign is Aries, Taurus or Cancer and Rahu is placed in the first, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, eleventh or the twelfth house the native enjoys the comforts of woman, children, health, wealth and property all at a time.
When Rahu is posted in the sixth house and Jupiter in Lagna Jupiter in Lagna or the quadrant, the native lives a happy and prosperous life.
When Moon and Rahu together lie in quadrants (1,4,7,10 th houses) or trines (5/9 house), the native enjoys all comforts and prosperity.
When Venus is placed in the second or the twelfth house, the native attains favourable results.
When Sun and Mercury are conjunct together and Mercury is not combust, the native attains favourable results.
When Lagna and the Lagna lord, the Sun and the Moon all four are strong or strongly placed in the natal horoscope i.e. in an auspicious house as also aspected by the auspicious planets the adverse effects or the unfavourable results of Kaalsarp Yog are nullified.
When Mars is strongly placed in the tenth house and is not aspected by the lord of any malefic house or by any malefic planet, the unfavourable effects of Kaalsarp Yog are not attained.
When Venus is placed in ‘Malavaya Yog’ i.e. the planet Venus lies in either of the four quadrants in its exalted or own sign and is not conjunct with or aspected by an inauspicious planet the adverse effects of kaal sarp are not attained or it gives only average malefic results.
When planet Saturn is in ‘Shash’ Yog i.e. Shani is placed in either quadrants in its exalted or his own sign without having the aspect or conjunction of any malefic planet or the lord of inauspicious house, the unfavourable results of the Kaalsarp Yog are not visible. It reduces down the adverse results of Kaalsarp Yog.
When Moon-Mars conjunction exists in quadrants in own sign or their exaltation signs and this conjunction is neither aspected by or conjunct with any malefic planet, then all the troubles caused by Kaalsarp Yog are turned down.
When Rahu is placed in non-visible houses i.e. first to sixth and other planets are in visible houses i.e. the remaining six houses then this Kaalsarp Yog is said to be prosperity giving.
When Rahu is placed in the sixth house and Jupiter is in Lagna or the tenth house, the native enjoys wealthy position in life. He is not having any financial problems.
All the above combinationshave been discussed with a view to make a common person to understand the unfavourable/adverse effects of Kaalsarp Yog. In fact, Kaalsarp Yog does not necessarily grants unfavourable results to all the natives. Any decision (final prediction) can be made only after having analysed the position, aspect and the conjunction of various planets and the constellations in the twelve houses and the signs.

Many natives having Kaalsarp Yog have reached to the heights of name and fame, despite having passed through various troubles and hurdles. Among them all Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru- the first prime minister of Independent India can be highlighted. Late Shri Morarji Desai ex prime minister as also Late Shri Chandra Shekhar singh are also among one of them. All the above three have reached to the post of prime minister in spite of having ‘Kaalsarp Yog’ present in their natal horoscope.

So, you should not lose heart under any circumstances. One should go on making efforts to progress and step up for his all-round progress. He must owe to his duties righteously. In case, the results of the Kaalsarp Yog are visible to be destructible, even the remedial measures can be performed for the same to be nullified. In our great ancient classical books, i.e. epics many such remedies have been mentioned. Performing such rituals and performances mentioned in the epics, one can get rid of the adverse affects of the adversely placed planets in the natal horoscope. Thus, the remedies for ‘Grihbadha’ or ‘Pret-badha’ can also be made and making such, penance life can be made much easier and comfortable.

It is simply an astrological analysis. I once again wish to remind you people that all the malefic and the benefice results attained by us are the results of our own misdeeds and the good deeds of our own. So, do not blame the planets for the same rather improve upon your Karmas (Present Actions). I hereby place a trinity formula, which may be adopted by each human being. It is an unfailing one and grants instant results too.

My trinity formula is:

Serve your parents and old people whole-heartedly.
Live an ethical life and truthful life towards your spouse.
Serve your motherland being loyal to your nation
Adopting the above three measures, perform Shani poojan, Shree Shani Telabhishek and prospect lord Shani reaching over Shree Shanidham, Shree Shani Tirth Kshetra Asola, Fatehpur Beri, Mehrauli, New Delhi-74 regularly for twenty-one Saturday and twenty-one Tuesday. You will definitely get rid of all your troubles.

Whether Kaalsarp Yog is present in your horoscope or not, you need not worry! You can meet me at Shree Shanidham with a prior appointment. I am your friend and as a friend of you, I wish to help you!

Major Clarification of Kaalsarp Yog

Primarily Kaalsarp Yog has been classified in twelve ways. All such classifications have been discussed through illustration here under:

‘Anant’ Kaalsarp Yog

When in the natal horoscope Rahu is posted in Lagna and Ketu in the seventh house and all the seven planets lie in between then it is called ‘Anant’ Kaalsarp Yog. Such natives have to work very hard for the development of personality and their career as well. His education and professional achievements progress with a slower speed and to rise in life he has to work very hard rather he has to struggle hard for getting achievements. His emotional pains sometimes lead him to live the life of an insane leaving all worldly comforts aside. Such natives have been interested in lottery, share market, interest money but they bear heavy losses in such deals. They have to suffer various physical ailments. Their financial position is rather weak. They face up’s and downs in money matters. It affects their married life adversely since mental unrest leaves them nowhere and life becomes a hell to them. He remains deprived of the ancestral wealth and the parents love and affection. His near & dears, family and friends give him losses in many ways. He becomes a victim to the conspiracy and been dragged into court cases, he faces social defame. So rise and fall in each phase of life becomes a part of his life and repeated defame makes him mentally unrest. Despite all such unfavourable situations, at certain point of time in his life he gets sudden rise and all his pains and troubles are ended up astonishingly all at once.

In spite of all troubles and difficulties been faced by him, he is not in want of anything or say nothing is unreachable to him. Such natives never harm other in any way. Such natives as are comparatively much troubled by such a combination i.e. ‘Anant’ named Kaalsarp Yog. They must adopt the below-mentioned remedial measures:

Recite ‘Om Namaeh Shivay’ twenty one series (21x108 times) everyday. Perform abhishek to lord Shiva with water mixed with milk everyday.
Establish Kaalsarp Dosh Nivarak Yantra in your home and lighting a mustard oil lamp before the yantra, worship it every day.
A pair of Naag (Snakes-male & female) should be get made of silver and putting it into a copper pot should be flown in the flowing water.
Every day after having taken a bath recite ‘NavgrahSatrotra’.
‘Kulik’ Kaalsarp Yog

When Rahu is placed in the second and Ketu in the eighth house and all the planets lie in between in the natal horoscope then it is called ‘Kulik’ Kaalsarp Yog. It gives him defame also. A native with this combination goes average in his studies and his marital happiness is of the average order. Due to his financial problems, his marital happiness is spoiled altogether. He always goes on facing various troubles like cheated by his friends, problems in begetting children or problems due to children and struggle & trouble in the professional life. His nature goes filthy. He becomes a double standard person. Facing the unbalance of mind and various physical ailments, he looks older than his age. His valour and courage is turned down constantly. His hard working nature takes him to peaks. However, he cannot enjoy to this excellence. Such natives facing the above-mentioned troubles should make the following remedial measures:

The students should recite root mantra of ‘Maa Saraswati’ for one long year and make worship to her.
Boil water with ‘Devdaru’, ‘mustard’ and ‘Lohwan’ and take bath with this water for forty days.
In an auspicious Hora, flow coke (Koyala) in the flowing water for three times.
Recite 108 times the Hanuman Chalisa.
In Shravan month, perform abhishek to lord Shiva for all the thirty days of the month.
Keep fasting on Saturday and Tuesday. Go to Shani temple and perform poojan and Telabhishek. It gives instant relief.
At the starting of the major period of Rahu recite Rahu mantra for 108 times a day and when the number of mantra counts to 18 thousand perform ‘Poorn Ahuti’ Yajna with chief Samidha of Rahu i.e. Durva (the grass). After this, donate Horse bean (‘Urad’) and blue cloths to a poor person.
‘Vaasuki Kaalsarp Yog’

When Rahu is placed in the third and Ketu in the ninth house and all other planets lay in between these two then it is called ‘Vasuki’ Kaalsarp Yog. The native is troubled by his co-born even he is not in good terms with other family members. His friends and relatives as also his neighbours always cheat him and troubles him unduly. He is lacking peace and home. At times native has been suffering from various ailments and due to heavy expenditure, his financial position is shaken. For his livelihood, he has to make hard efforts, yet the success remains doubtful. When Moon is afflicted his mental health is not good, he remains mentally excited and disturbed. Due to such a planetary combination, he has to bear losses especially in the legal affairs. He is uncomfortable from the state or the government. He has to face suspension in his services or losses in his business. In spite of all such unfavourable situation, late in life he succeeds in every field. Though very late, yet he enjoys good fortune and he gets high opportunities to perform religious and auspicious works for the society in his lifetime.

Remedies to pacify the malefic effects:

Recite ‘Navgrah’ satrotra for one long year regularly every day.
Every Wednesday tie a hand full of horse bean (‘Urad’) or kidney bean (‘Moong’) in a black cloth and having called out Rahu mantras (hymn) give alms to a beggar or a holy man. If you do not find a deserving person for donating the same, you must flow it into the flowing water. It is sure to give you relief.
Recite ‘Mahamrityunjaya Mantra’ (an epithet of Lord Shiva) 11 series (11x108 times) daily. When Rahu or Ketu period or Bhukti is operative, perform Telabhishek of lord Shani at Shani temple. Also, make abhishek of Lord Hanuman ji with vermillion wet in jasmine oil on each Tuesday.
On an auspicious Hora (one twenty fourth part of a day), put on ‘Naag Pash’ Yantra after having it awakened.
‘Shankhpaal’ Kaalsarp Yog

When Rahu is posted in the fourth house and Ketu is in tenth house in the natal horoscope and all the other planets lie in between them then it is called ‘Shankhpaal’ Kaalsarp Yog. As a result of this a native faces troubles and problems relating to house, land and the landed property, the movable and fixed assets to some extent. Due to such troubles, he is sometimes surrounded by the undue worries. He also faces pains and troubles in attaining higher education partially.

The native is sometimes troubled by his parents or due to his parents, at a certain point of time in his life. He always faces troubles due to the vehicle or the servants. He has to bear losses due to it/them. However, his married life runs on average but sometimes he is tensed. When Moon is afflicted, he suffers instability of mind and sometimes he suffers imbalance of mind. He faces problems in his field of work or job. But all such obstacles are overcome in due course of time. Since he initiates all works at a time and fails to complete them well in time.

As a result, of such a combination, his financial position goes unbalanced and he faces financial crises. In spite of all this, he achieves success in his job/profession and his political life. He also gains name & fame and social status i.e. post & position both at a time.

Natives facing above problems should perform the following remedial measures:

In an auspicious Hora, establish a fylfot (‘Swastik’) made of silver, over the front door of your house as also install a Serpent (Naag) made of metal on either side of the main door.
In an auspicious Hora, flow a dry coconut fruit into the flowing water for three times.
Keep fasting for 86 Saturdays continuously and worship Rahu, Ketu, and shani and lord Hanuman ji. Offer vermillion wet in jasmine oil at Hanuman ji’s idol and on Saturday perform Telabhishek over the lord Shani’s idol.
In an auspicious Hora, take a one-eyed coconut fruit, on Wednesday rotate it over your own head (over the head of the troubled person), and flow it into the flowing water.
For one & a quarter month, offer barleycorns to the birds.
In an auspicious Hora, make poojan to the ‘SarvatoBhadraMandal’ Yantra and put on the same.
Recite Hanuman Chalisa daily and take your meals sitting in the kitchen.
Recite Hanuman Chalisa for 108 times and keep fasting for five continuous Tuesdays. On each Tuesday (fasting tuesday) make Abhishek with Vermillion wet in jasmine oil to Lord Hanuman ji. Also, offer comfit (Laado’s) to Hanuman ji.
Establish ‘Kaalsarp Dosh Nivaran Yantra’ at your home and worship it daily. On every Saturday take mustard oil in a bowl and after looking your face into it (just like a mirror), put a coin after circulating over your head into it. Now donate it to a poor man or flow it at the root of the holy fig tree (Pipal tree).
In an auspicious Hora, a dry coconut fruit may be flown into the water for three times and in an auspicious Hora on any Saturday, flow coke thrice in the flowing water.
‘Padma’ Kaalsarp Yog

When Rahu is posted in the fifth house and Ketu in the eleventh house, it is called ‘Padma’ Kaalsarp Yog. It causes obstacles in his education but with the passage of time, it ends. They beget children very late in life or he gets trouble in begetting children. His son troubles him. Sometimes native suffers ill health.

This Yog sometimes leading an average life, he is tensed. He is having a threat of getting defame. His friends and society people are very selfish and they create hurdles into his progress. He is forced to live his life in tension.

This Yog creates his hidden enemies. They give him losses. They create hurdles in his progress and because of the worries; he lives a much-struggled life. The assets of the native are looted away by the people. Native remains diseased. A heavy amount is spent on medical treatment so he faces financial crisis. He remains worried for his old age and sometimes he is attracted towards the life of an insane and wishes for initiation. In spite of all this at a certain period of his lifetime, he becomes financially strong. He gains name & fame and his profession runs smoothly. When native bears a good moral character he avoids women & wine and never does he loots away others property. The adverse affects of the Kaalsarp Yog are nullified.

Remedies to pacify the malefic effects:

In an auspicious Hora, establish a silver fylfot ('Swastik’) over the entrance door of your house and on either side of the door establish serpent (‘Naag’) made of metal.
Starting from the first Saturday of ‘Shukla Paksha’ (the bright half of a lunar month) keep fasting for 18 long Saturdays and putting on a black cloth recite 18 or only three series (3x108 times) of Rahu’s root mantra. After this take water, the grams and a ‘Kusha’ (a kind of grass used in religious observance by the Hindus) in a pot and offer it at the root of the Pipal tree. Also, keep fasting on ‘Naag Panchami’.
Recite Hanuman Chalisa for eleven times every day. On each Saturday take, a red piece of cloth and eight handful of the wet black grams and eleven bananas be put over this cloth. Now recite Hanuman Chalisa for 108 times. Now offer these Bananas to monkeys. On each Tuesday offer comfits (‘Ladoos’) to Hanuman ji and perform Abhishek of Hanuman ji’s Idol with vermillion wet in jasmine oil and also perform Telabhishek over Lord Shani’s Idol. Doing so all adversities caused by Kaalsarp Yog is nullified.
In the month of ‘Shravana’ on each Monday keep fasting and having taken your bath; recite eleven series of “Om Nameh Shivaya”. After this offer ‘Bel Patra’ (a leaf of the Bel tree or wood apple) and water (mixed in cow’s milk) over the Shivaling. It’s an unfailing remedy.
‘MahaPadma’ Kaalsarp Yog

When Rahu is placed in the sixth house and Ketu in the twelfth house and all the other planets in between it is called ‘Mahapadma’ Kaalsarp Yoga. A native with such type of Kaalsarp Yog overcomes and overpowers his enemy or say he is a ‘shatrujaya’. He earns money through foreign trade but residing abroad for a longer period causes back of peace in his family. Such natives can gain either money or happiness.

A native with ‘MahaPadma’ Kaalsarp Yog has to travel a lot and also the travelling goes successful but he is deceived and cheated by his own people which causes him mental depression. He also keeps animosity feeling awaken within himself. Therefore, his way of behaving goes very suspended. He suffers loss of Dharma. At regular intervals, he gets nightmares. His old age is quite uncomfortable and painful. In spite of all such unfavourable results, sometime in life, he achieves success as a successful debater/advocate or he succeeds in political life.

Remedial Measures to Pacify the Malefic Effects:

For all the thirty days of Shravana month perform abhishek of Lord Shiva.
Starting from the first Saturday of ‘Shukla Paksha’ (the bright half of a lunar month) keep fasting for 18 long Saturdays and putting on a black cloth recite 18 or only three series (3x108 times) of Rahu’s root mantra. After this take water, the grams and a ‘Kusha’ (a kind of grass used in religious observance by the Hindus) in a pot and offer it at the root of the Pipal tree. Also, keep fasting on ‘Naag Panchami’.
Go to ‘Prayag’ at Allahabad (India) at the union (sangam) of the three rivers. Make poojan to Naag-Naagin (male-female serpent) Idol in a proper manner. Now float this pair of serpents with water into ‘Sangam’ i.e. at ‘Prayag’.
On each Tuesday and Saturday, recite the ‘Sunderkaand’ from ‘Ramcharitmanas’ for 108 times. Recitation must be made with full respect and devotion.
‘Takshak’ Kaalsarp Yog

When Ketu is placed in Lagna and Rahu is in the seventh house in the natal horoscope and all the other planets are in between Rahu-Ketu than it is called ‘Takshak’ Kaalsarp Yog. In our ethical books not such Yog has been discussed but in practice, people having such Yog have been found suffering from malefic effects. Such natives do not gain ancestral property or in case they happen to gain it, the same cannot benefit them. Either they are deprived of it or they donate it to someone else or otherwise they happen to spoil it themselves but they cannot use it for the sake of enjoying it in their life. Such native are also found failing in their love affairs. They are deceived in their extra marital affairs. However, they enjoy average marital happiness but sometimes their marital relationship goes so uncomfortable that it comes to break down. He even does not get the sympathy of his own people i.e. family. He bears losses in partnership and at times, his enemies cook up conspiracy against him. He becomes a victim to such a conspiracy. He has to bear losses in race, gambling, lottery etc. As a result, he is ruined altogether. Childlessness or troubled by the children gives him endless pains. He has to bear ailment of the sex diseases. His lend money is never gained by him back. The only way to come out of all such troubles is that he should start working for the social cause, for the interest of helpless and downtrodden. It is only then that he comes out of troubles. He must stop to look down upon others or otherwise he goes helpless and surrounded by the uncomfortable and unfavourable situations in his life go a total failure.

Remedial measures to pacify the malefic effects:

Establish ‘Kaalsarp Dosh Nivaran’ Yantra in your home and perform it’s poojan regularly.
For forty long days offer grains of barley to the birds.
Take a bath by the boiled water in ‘Devdaru’ (cedar), ‘Lohwan’ and mustard for once only.
In an auspicious Hora, the lentil cereal is to be flown into the flowing water for seven times. After this, keep fasting for 5 Tuesdays continuously. While keeping fast also make Abhishek to Hanuman ji’s idol with vermillion wet in jasmine oil and offer comfits (‘Ladoos of Bundi’) to Shree Hanuman ji. On the fifth (last) Tuesday take one and a quarter measure (250gms + 60gms= 310gms) of vermillion and a red piece of cloth one and a quarter times as long as your hand and 120gms of ‘Bundi’ Ladoo may also be distributed as ‘Prasad’ (food offered to an idol).
‘Karkotak’ Kaalsarp Yog

When Ketu is in the second house and Rahu in the eighth house whereas all the other planets are placed in between these two than it is called ‘Karkotak’ Kaalsarp Yog. As we have discussed earlier that such a Yog causes troubles in their good luck and rise in profession. They find difficulty in getting promotion as also in getting a good job. Sometime they have to be penalised by getting demotion. It gives them mental unhappiness and frustration. Even they can’t get the desired results regarding their own entrepreneur smoothly since money crisis causes ups and downs in it. Despite steep hard work, they cannot gain much. Their friends cheat them they suffer physical ailments and mental stress. They do not find respectable position in family and society. Their irritating behaviour and straightforwardness causes quarrel among his own nears and dears. His lend money is not recovered. He is having threat from the conspiracy of his enemies as also from sudden death. To get rid of all such troubles, he may perform the below mentioned measures.

Remedial Measures to Pacify the Malefic Effects:

Recite Hanuman Chalisa for 108 times keep fasting for five long Tuesday and perform Abhishek over idol Hanuman Idol with vermillion wet in jasmine oil. Offer Bundi Laado’s to lord Hanuman ji.
Establish Kaalsarp Dosh Nivaran Yantra at your home and make poojan to it every day. On Saturday take mustard oil in a bowl and looking your face into it, put a coin in this, which has been rotated for three times above your head. Now donate this oil and the bowl to a poor person or offer it at the roots of the Pipal tree (the holy fig tree).
For forty days offer grains to birds and each Saturday offer ‘Sattu’ (a meal of parched grain) from barley mixed with sugar at the holes of the ants.
In your bed room, use red coloured curtains, bed sheets and pillow covers.
In an auspicious Hora, flow a coconut watery dry fruit into the flowing water for three times. Also flow coke into the water for three times.
‘Shankhchud’ Kaalsarp Yog

When Rahu is posted in the ninth house and Ketu in the third house and all the other planets in between these two then it is called ‘Shankhchud’ Kaalsarp Yog. Such a native finds hurdles in gaining good luck. They have to face troubles in getting progress in profession, promotion in job and the desired achievements in education in many ways. He himself is the cause of such hurdles as he wishes to snatch away the share of his own people. He makes a fun in his religious life or say, he has no religious practice. He remains over confident. Therefore, he faces all such troubles. Just because of mental stress, physical ailments always trouble him. He also suffers in government works and for litigations has to make high expenditures. He is hardly happy with his relationship with father. His maternal family and the husband of his sister also cheat him. Even his friends deceive him. His married life is spoiled because of the mutual misunderstanding with the spouse. He has to struggle hard for every little achievement. He does not get regards in society.

To avoid all such obstacles and hurdles he has to accept his own people, to love them and to adopt the religious life. He will have to leave the dual policy. This is the only way to get rid of all such problems. In case he faces troubles despite all the above-mentioned ways been adopted by him he should make the below mentioned remedies.

To get rid of the troubles of Kaalsarp Yog the native should start keeping fasts starting from the first Saturday of any Hindu month. He should have resolved for the same and continue keeping fasts for 86 long Saturdays. During the fasting period, he should wear black cloths and perform Telabhishek over Shani idol. Recite Rahu root mantra three series (3x108 times) at a time. After reciting of mantra take water, ‘Durva’ (grass) and Kusha (a kind of grass used in religious observance by the Hindus) and offer it over the root of the holy fig tree (Pipal tree).
Recite ‘Mahamrityunjaya’ Kavach every day and one each morning of Shravana Month perform Rudrabhishek to lord Shiva.
Put a silver or ‘Asthdhatu’ (the eighth metals viz. gold, silver, copper, brass, tin, lead, iron and bell-metal) serpent ring (Naag ring) in the middle finger of your hand. In an auspicious Hora, establish a silver fylfot (‘Swastik’) over the main door of your house and establish idol of serpents (Naag) on the either side of the door. It should be made of the metal.
‘Ghatak’ Kaalsarp Yog

When Rahu is in the tenth house and Ketu is in the fourth house of the natal horoscope and all the planets are in between these two then it is called ‘Ghatak’ Kaalsarp Yog. A native born with this Yog in case he serves his mother he attains a luxurious house as also mental peace or otherwise the native is always longing for the happiness and comforts and he is never satisfied with his comforts and belongings. He has to bear separation from his father. His married life is not happy. In his professional life, he has to face many difficulties. However, he is never lacking job or money in his lifetime. The service class people have to face the threat of suspension, discharge, demotion or termination etc. Even in business partnership, they bear losses and uncomfortable relations with the partner. Even high government official are always unhappy with them and their friends deceive them. In case the native comes out from bribery and the dual policy, black marketing, black money etc, he gains all joys and prosperity in life. This way he can gain high social dignity, reputation in society and political success. To get rid of the above troubles, he should make the following remedies:

Recite Hanuman Chalisa every day. Keep fasts on each Tuesday and offer vermillion wet in jasmine oil at Hanuman idol. Also, offer ‘Bundi Ladoos’ to Hanuman ji.
For one long year, recite lord Ganpati’s (Ganesha) Atharvsheersh every day.
Keep fasts on Saturday, perform Telabhishek and poojan to lord Shani. Donate cat’s eye stone, gold, iron, sesame, the seven food grains, the black cloth, watery coconut fruit, the blanket etc at times to deserving people.
Keep fasts on Mondays. Go to Shiva temple and there make poojan to a silver serpent (Naag). Now, remembering your ancestors flow that silver serpent (naag) into the flowing water with all respect and reverence to your fore fathers.
‘Vishadhar’ Kaalsarp Yog

When Rahu is in the eleventh house and Ketu is in the fifth house with all the other planets in between them then it is called as ‘Vishadhar’ Kaalsarp Yog. It causes partial obstruction in education. Some hurdles are faced in allowing higher education and the native faces poor memory. He has to bear losses instead of gains from his grandparents (maternal-paternal both) to some extent. His paternal uncle and cousins oppose him and due to difference of opinion, he may develop enmity or quarrels among them. There are much more chances of having dispute with his elder brother.

Due to such a Yog the native lives far away from his birth place or he has to travel to & fro for the sake of earning his livelihood. However, late in life he enjoys stability in life. He finds certain obstacles in gains. Sometimes the native is much worried. He either struggles hard for the sake of money & property or he faces ill repute for the same. He remains somewhat tensed because of his children. He also has to bear various ailments at physical level. Most of the times it is observed that the life of the native ends up in very suspicious circumstances. Under such situations or troubles one should make the below-mentioned remedies:

During ‘Sharavana’ month perform ‘Abhishek’ to Mahadev i.e. lord Shiva for all the 30 days.
On Monday go to Shiva temple and perform poojan over silver serpents (Naag) idol into flowing water or into the ocean.
For forty days boil water in ‘Devdaru’ (Cedar), mustard & Lohwan and take a bath with water boiled with these items.
On every Monday, perform Abhishek to lord Shiva with curd. Keep reciting ‘Om Har Har Mahadev!’ Do it every day in ‘Shravan’ month.
For 40 days offer food grains to the birds.
‘Sheshnaag’ Kaalsarp Yog

When Rahu is in the twelfth house and Ketu in the sixth house with all the planets in between these two than it is called ‘Sheshnaag’ Kaalsarp Yog. In our classical books, such a Yog is not defined as Kaalsarp but in practice, people have been found suffering due to this Yog. People suffering from such a Yog have their wishes fulfilled very late in life. For the sake of earning their livelihood, they have to face litigations caused by conspiracy cooked by their enemies. They are always worried that they may face defame at any time. He generally faces physical & mental ailments and due to hypertension, he behaves in an absurd manner. As a result, people look down upon them. He is a very suspicious figure in society. His ways of working are far different then a common person. His expenditures are higher than his income. Therefore, he always remains indebted to others. He has to toil hard to get rid of the debt. Once in his lifetime he enjoys high dignity in society and after his death, he earns name & fame. To get rid of all such troubles they should make the below mentioned remedial measures:

On an auspicious Hora, recite ‘Om Nameh Shivaya’, eleven series and make Abhishek over the Shivling. Apart from this, offer a copper serpent (Naag) idol over the Shivling after having performed poojan over it.
Recite Hanuman chalisa for 108 times and on Tuesday make abhishek over Lord Hanuman’s idol with vermillion wet in jasmine oil. Distribute ‘Batasha’ as Prasad.
In an auspicious Hora, donate lentil (‘Masoor’) cereal to poor people.
Before initiating into a new assignment, offer Barleycorn to the birds for forty days.
Establish Kaalsarp Nivaran Yantra in your house and perform poojan over it every day. Take your meals sitting in the kitchen only.
Put on Naagpash Yantra after having it empowered by mantras and the curtains, bed sheet, pillow covers should be used red in colour.
In an auspicious Hora, hang a silver of Asthdhatu fylfot (‘Swastik’) over the main door of your house. On each side of your main door establish metalled serpent (‘Naag’) idol.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008



FINANCIAL PREDICTIONS FROM 13TH APRIL 2008 - 5TH MAY 2008 Though Saturn & Ketu are still in Leo, therefore combination of these stars brings volatility in the financial sector & commodity market, but Rahu has changed & Ketu is changing on 29th of April & Saturn will also change its retrograde position, therefore, at the end of April & in the beginning of May, market may see upside, but before that I don?t see any major change

1. BSE will keep on playing between 14,600 -16,600, but after 21st April-5th May it may cross 17,200

2. NSE will also keep on playing between 4,400 ? 4,900 but between 25th April - 5th May. Nifty can also touch 5,200

3. DOWJONES & NASDAQ will be highly volatile & u can hear every alternate day some bad news in the Inter-National Market. So Asian market will have tough time to see the green.

4.Oil can touch $ 110 per barrel but after 22nd April it may touch, it may drop down to $ 98 per barrel.

5.Silver can touch $ 16.50 cents per ounce in the Inter-National Market.

6.Gold can come down to $ 830 per ounce in the Inter-National Market.

7.Real Estate & Property in will atleast see 15 % - 20 % correction in next three months.

8.Vulnerable metal Iron & Steel will also see correction in the range of 10 % - 20%.


Shri Satyanarayan Bhagwan ki Aarti
Jay Lakshmiramana, Shri Jay Lakshmiramana, Satyanarayan Svaami, Janapaatak Harana. Om Jay…

Maa Parvati ki Aarti
Jay Parvati Mata, Maiya Jay Parvati Mata., Brahm Sanatan Devi, Shubh Phal Ki Data. Om Jay…

Shri Shani Chalisa
Jay Ganesh Girija Suvan, Mangal Karan Kripaal, Deenan Ke Dukh Door Kari, Kijei Naath Nihaal. Jay Jay Shri Shanidev Prabhu, Sunahu Vinay Maharaaj, Karahu Kripa He Ravi Tanay, Raakhahu Jan Ki Laaj.

Shri Shani Dev ki Aarti
Jay Jay Shri Shanidev Bhaktan Hitakaari, Sooraj Ke Putra Prabhu Chaaya Mahataari . Jay Jay Shri Shanidev Bhaktan Hitakaari.

Jai Santoshi mata, maya Jai Santoshi mata, Apne sevak jan ki, sukh sampati data, Jai Santoshi mata....

Om Jai Gagdish Hare
Om Jai Jagdish Hare Swami Jai Jagdish Hare Bhakt jannu ke sankat (2) Shan mein door kare Om Jai Jagdish Hare

Tvameva mata cha pita Tvamwva Tvameva bandhu cha sakha Tvameva Tvameva vidya dravinum Tvameva

Sri Guru Charan Saroj ji Nij manu mukuru sudhaar Baranhu Raghubar Vimal Jasu

Tulsi Das says: With the dust of Guru’s lotus feet I first clean the mirror of my heart and Then I will tell of the great glory Of Shri Ram,

Rama Bhajans
Rama Rama Rama Rama, Rama Nama Taarakm Rama Krishna Vasudeva Bhati Mukti Daayakam

Ganapathi Bhajan
Ganesha Sharanam, Sharanam Ganesha Vaageesha Sharanam, Sharanam Vaageesha Jaya Ganesha Jaya Ganesha

Shri Ganesh Chalisa
Jai Ganpati Sadgunsadan, Kavivar Badan Kripal Vigna Haran Mangal Karan, Jai Jai Girija Lal

Aarti Shri Vaishno Devi Ki
He maat meri, He maat meri, kaisi yeh der lagai he durge || he maat... Bhavsaagar mein gira pada hoon, kaam aadi grah mein ghira pada hoon, moh aadi jaal mein jakda pada hoon || he maat...

Sheran Wali Maan
Sherãn wãli Mã, oh mandirãn wãli Mã (x3) Oh Maiyã sherãn wãli, oh Maiyã mandirãn wãli (x3) Tere darpe ãj ãyã hai Maiyã, darpe ãj ãyã hai Maiyã, ek oh sawãli Maiyã sherãn wãli, oh Maiyã mandirãn wãli

Jaya Sadaguru Swami
aya Sadaguru Swami, Prabhu Jaya Antaryami Sahajanand Dayaalu (2) Balwant Bahu Naami

Gayatri Mantra
Aum Bhoor Bhuvah Svah Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Pracho Dhayãt

Tumhi Ho Mata Pita Tumhi Ho
Tumhi ho Mãtã, Pitã Tumhi ho Tumhi ho bandhu, sakhã Tumhi ho

Surya Namaskar
Om Mitraaya Namah Om Ravaye Namah Om Sooryaya Namah

Miraji ka Bhajan

Aarti Kunj Behari Kee
Aarti Kunj Behari Kee.Aarti Kunj Behari Kee Shree Giridhar Krishna Murari Kee





Jai Hanuman Arti


Lord Krishna's Arti
Jai shri Krishna hare, prabhu jai jai Girdhari, Danav-dal balihari, Go dwij hitkari.

Jai Ambe Gauri, Mayya Jai Shyama Gauri Tumko Nish-Din Dhyavat, Hari Brahma Shivri [1] Jai Ambe Gauri Maang Sindoor Virajat, Tiko Mrig-Mad Ko

Durga Chalisa
Durga Chalisa Namo Namo Durge Sukh karani, Namo Namo ambe Dukh harani.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Lucky numbers

Here, we will discuss the numerological significance of an individual's name. This is arrived at by assigning numerical values according to a certain set of norms to each of the constituent letters of the name, and then calculating the numerological value and significance of the name.

In this book, Kabala: Ancient Secrets of Numerology, Sepharial writes:

'In our attempts to understand and interpret the influence of numbers over the destinies of men or over destiny of person, we need to establish a relationship between the person and the number or numbers that guide or influence his destiny. To determine this mysterious number, we need to unlock the name of that person in terms of numerical values. The numerical value of the concerned person's name must first be obtained by adding together the numbers that correspond to each letter of the name.'

Different numerologists have assigned different numerical values to alphabets based on the system or method they followed and considered most effective. We give here the numerical values assigned to various alphabets by some of the most respected numerologists.

The Helyn Hitchcock System :

One of the most straightforward systems of assigning numerical values to various alphabets was developed by Helyn Hitchcock. Numerical values were assigned to the first nine letters of the English alphabet. A was assigned the numerical value 1, B was assigned 2, C was assigned 3 and so on. This cycle of nine was then repeated for the remaining alphabets. The 10th letter of the alphabet- J - was assigned the numerical value 1, K was assigned numerical value 2 and so on.
The following value emerged in what is popularly known as the Helyn Hitchcock system.

English Alphabet Numerical Values
A, J, S 1
B, K, T 2
C, L, U 3
D, M, V 4
E, N, W 5
F, O, X 6
G, P, Y 7
H, Q, Z 8
I, R 9

importance of navratras

Navratra is a term used for auspicious “Nine Nights” or a period of nine holy days, dedicated to goddess Durga. In our ancient literature two Navratras are mentioned one is Chaitra Navratra and second one is Sharad Navratra. Both periods are considered highly auspicious to please or worship the “Adi Shakti” goddess Durga. Chaitra Navratra begins on the first day of the bright fortnight of the solar month of Chaitra. This year it starts from 6 th April to 14 th April 2008. During these Navratras one should perform the worship of goddess Durga for material and spiritual welfare.

There is a description in Hindu mythology that Lord Rama worshiped Durga during Vasant Navratra and got the assurance from Goddess herself that he will get Sita back. Rama requested Maa Durga to bless him with her own power because one can not achieve success without her divine blessings. Before assassinating Ravana, Rama offered his prayers in Sharad Navratras and “Adi Shakti” Durga gave him her assistance in killing Ravana.

Incidentally Yugadi or Gudi Parwa is the first day of Navratra it is observed as the New Year Day in South India and Maharashtra. According to Hindu belief first day of Navratras is the killing day of Kishkinda Naresh, monkey king Vali. Lord Rama killed him for his misbehave with his younger brother’s wife.

First day is dedicated to Shailputr i; second day is dedicated to Brahmcharin i, third day we worship Chandrghanta. Fourth day is dedicated to Kushmanda , fifth day offer prayers to Skandmata, sixth day is allotted to Katyani . Seventh day is dedicated to Kalratri, eighth day we worship Mahagauri and ninth and last day is dedicated to Siddhidatri .

significance of nakshtra

कृत्तिका नक्षत्र
वृषभ राशि में जन्मे सुंदर व कलाकार होते हैं

वृभष राशि में कृत्तिका नक्षत्र के अंतिम 3 चरण होते हैं। इसमें ई, उ, ए जन्माक्षर होते हैं। नक्षत्र स्वामी सूर्य व राशि स्वामी शुक्र है। कृत्तिका के अंतिम 3 चरणों में जिनका जन्म हुआ है। वे शुक्र व सूर्य से जीवन भर प्रभावित होते रहेंगे। जन्म जिस लग्न में हो उसके स्वामी का भी इन ग्रहों से संबंध होने पर प्रभाव में अंतर आना स्वाभाविक है। सूर्य यदि शुभ होकर जन्म लग्न में कहीं भी हो रही राशि स्वाभाविक है।

सूर्य यदि शुभ होकर जन्म लग्न में कहीं भी हो, वहीं राशि स्वामी शुक्र की स्थिति शुभ हो तो वह जातक भाग्यशाली, विद्यावान, पुत्रवान, संपत्तिवान, आकर्षक नाक नक्श वाला सुंदर होगा। शुक्र-सूर्य साथ होने पर वह जातक अत्यंत सुंदर व आकर्षक होगा। शुक्र लग्न में होकर स्वराशि या उच्च का हो, सूर्य शुभ स्थिति में हो तो वह जातक धनी, सुंदर, स्वस्थ गुणी होगा।

मेष लग्न में शुक्र द्वादश भाव में हो व सूर्य लग्न पंचम व नवम भाव में हो तो वह जातक धनी साहसी, महत्वाकाँक्षी, भाग्यशाली धर्मनिष्ठ होकर विद्यावान होगा। सूर्य यदि इसी लग्न में नीच तुला का हो तो और शुक्र सूर्य को देखता हो तो नीच भंग होने से वह जातक राज्य तुल्य भोग भोगने वाला सुंदर स्त्रीवान होगा। वृषभ लग्न में शुक्र-सूर्य साथ हो तो वह जातक साहसी उच्चाभिलाषी होकर विश्वविख्यात होता है। सूर्य चतुर्थ में हो व शुक्र इसी लग्न में हो तो वह जातक माता, भूमि, भवन, वाहन, जनता से राज्य से स्वप्रयत्नों से लाभ पाने वाला होगा।

वृभष राशि में कृत्तिका नक्षत्र के अंतिम 3 चरण होते हैं। इसमें ई, उ, ए जन्माक्षर होते हैं। नक्षत्र स्वामी सूर्य व राशि स्वामी शुक्र है। कृत्तिका के अंतिम 3 चरणों में जिनका जन्म हुआ है। वे शुक्र व सूर्य से जीवन भर प्रभावित होते र
मिथुन लग्न में शुक्र दशम, पंचम या द्वादश भाव में हो व सूर्य चतुर्थ, सप्तम, दशम या एकादश भाव में हो तो वह जातक सभी सुखों को पाने वाला धन-संपत्ति, दान, विद्या, व्यापार, पिता से लाभ पाने वाला होगा। विदेश यात्राएँ भी होती रहेंगी। पारिवारिक सुख पाने वाला और उसे गुणी पत्नी या पति मिलेगा। कर्क लग्न में शुक्र चतुर्थ में नवम का एकादश भाव में हो व सूर्य द्वितीय, पंचम, नवम में हो तो विद्या उत्तम होती है, धन, कुटुंब वाणी से लाभ पाने वाला धनवान शेयर बाजार से लाभ पाने वाला होगा।

सिंह लग्न में सूर्य लग्न, नवम, पंचम में शुक्र दशम, तृतीय भाव में हो तो वह जातक राज्य कृपा से धनवान होगा। भाग्य धर्म में उत्तम सफलता पाने वाला होगा। लग्नेश व नक्षत्र स्वामी एक होने से वह जातक अत्यंत तेजस्वी स्वभाव का होगा। लग्न में सूर्य की स्थिति साहसी बनाती है, वहीं शुक्र की स्थिति सुंदर बनाती है। या लग्न में शुक्र नवम, द्वितीय, सप्तम में हो व सूर्य चतुर्थ, सप्तम, दशम, लग्न में होकर बुध के साथ हो तो वह जातक अनेक सुखों को पाने वाला उद्यमी, उच्च प्रशासनिक सेवाओं से लाभ प्राप्त होने वाला होगा।

कन्या लग्न वालों के लिए सूर्य नक्षत्र स्वामी द्वादश भाव में हो तो बाहरी संबंध उत्तम होंगे। लग्न में हो तो बाहर से लाभ मिलेगा। चतुर्थ में हो तो माता को कष्ट रहेगा, लेकिन सुख उत्तम मिलेगा। सूर्य की स्थिति दशम में हो तो बाहर से व्यापार, नौकरी आदि में लाभ मिलेगा। नक्षत्र स्वामी के साथ राशि स्वामी शुक्र नवम भाव में हो तो भाग्यशाली होकर धनी बनेगा। द्वितीय में हो तो वाणी उत्तम धन की बचत कुटुंब का सहयोग मिलेगा। सप्तम में हो तो धनाढ्य पत्नी या पति मिलेगा। सौंदर्य प्रसाधनों के व्यापार में लाभ मिलेगा। पंचम में हो तो विद्या उत्तम होगी व एकादश में हो तो भाग्य बल द्वारा धन मिलेगा। तुला लग्न में शुक्र लग्न में हो सूर्य एकादश भाव में हो तो वह स्वप्रयत्नों से लाभ पाने वाला होगा।

वृश्चिक लग्न में सूर्य दशम, पंचम, एकादश भाव में या धन द्वितीय भाव में हो तो संतान, पिता व कुटुंब से लाभ पाने वाला होगा। इसमें यदि शुक्र व मंगल की शुभ स्थिति हो तो अति उत्तम फल मिलेगा। धनु लग्न में सूर्य लग्न, चतुर्थ, नवम या पंचम, एकादश या तृतीय भाव में हो तो उत्तम फलदायक होगा। यदि गुरु शुक्र की स्थिति भी शुभ हो तो सोने में सुहागा वाली होगी। मकर लग्न में सूर्य एकादश, तृतीय, नवम भाव में शुभ फल देगा, वहीं शनि शुक्र की स्थिति शुभ हो तो फल दोगुना होगा।

कुंभ लग्न में सूर्य लग्न में दृष्ट हो शुक्र लग्न को देखता हो तो वह सुंदर होकर गुणी चंचल होगा। शत्रुहन्ता हो। पंचमेश सूर्य के साथ हो तो मनोरंजन के क्षेत्र में सफलता पाने वाला होगा। मीन लग्न में सूर्य की स्थिति षष्ट भाव में हो तो शत्रुओं का नाश होता है लग्न में हो प्रभावी होगा व नवम भाव में हो तो भाग्यशाली होगा। दशम भाव में हो तो व्यापार में स्वप्रयत्नों से लाभ पाने वाला, माया पक्ष से लाभ पाने वाला होगा।

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Who will be the next America's President?
The US President Election 2008 is heating up. The real heat is not between democrat and republic candidates but severe fighting is taking place between bold Obama and resilient Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton was the First Lady of America for eight years and has seen the working of an ex-president from close quarters for two terms. She is supported by a powerful lobby which is led by smart and brainy Bill Clinton. Barack Obama is known for his bold statements like emphasizing ending the Iraq war, increasing energy independence and providing universal health care. His appeal is being heard by people at large. Republic candidate John McCain is the among his two opponents and a respected candidate who is going to fight against one of these democrat candidates in US 2008 President Election.

Let us see astrologically what is in store for all these three candidates through the prism of astrology. We have the birth details of all the stalwarts which we have taken from different websites. These websites claim that these are authenticated data. If they are right then we cannot go wrong in our analysis.

Hillary Clinton:
Date of birth – October 26, 1947, Time of Birth – 20.00 Hrs., Place of birth – Chicago – Illinois (USA)

Barack Obama:
Date of birth – August 4, 1961, Time of Birth – 13.06 Hrs., Place of birth – Honolulu – Hawaii (USA)

John S. McCain:
Date of birth – August 29, 1936, Time of Birth – 09.00 Hrs., Place of birth – Cocosolo (Panama)

Hillary Clinton:

At the time of Hillary Clinton’s birth Gemini ascendant was rising on the eastern horizon and planets configuration was as such: Mars, Saturn – Cancer, Sun, Venus, Mercury – Libra, Jupiter, Ketu – Scorpio, Moon – Pisces and Rahu in Taurus.

Prarabdh (Past Birth Deeds):
Hillary Clinton was born when Gemini ascendant was rising on the eastern horizon. Lagna lord is well placed in the 5th house along with Sun and Mercury. These planets put together form two powerful Rajayogas. These Rajayogas are taking place in the 5th house which denotes creative intelligence and prarabdh (past birth deeds).

Prarabdh (past birth deeds) sounds most appropriate in this case. In this life certain things you earn and there are certain things which you get by the dint of good luck or prarabdh. Hillary Clinton’s marriage to Bill Clinton is the outcome of prarabdh which has set the pace for her to go for US President Election 2008. We are not taking away the credit of her creative instincts but prarabdh has played a more important role in this case.

Emotional Tussle:
Placement of debiliated Mars and Saturn in the 2nd house gives conflicting results. This house deals with family environment and gives family background also to an extent. In astrology, conjunction of Mars and Saturn indicates that a lot of storm and turbulence has taken place at the emotional level before the dust settled down as far as family peace and harmony is concerned. The whole world knows the Clintons had a very tough time in their marriage once upon a time.

Strong willed woman:
Placement of Jupiter and Ketu in the 6th house is alright. Jupiter does lose some of its glamour and sheen when placed in the 6th house. Being the lord of 7th when Jupiter occupies the 6th house it does give indication of discord in wedlock and the person has to fight most of her battles on her own. No wonder Hillary is resilience par excellence and always fights out her battle whether it is personal or professional, with vengeance.

Her own person:
The Moon has occupied the 10th house which denotes that she has a mind of her own. In astrology Moon represents mind. The Moon has formed two trines with Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. In astrology, trines are considered the best and give wonderful results. This configuration is so good that it has brought her at that level and Obama is feeling the heat of it. Placement of Rahu in the 12th house is good.

Mahadasa Results:
In her chart major period of Saturn is in operation which will continue for many more years. At present Sun – Rahu are in operation till December 2008. The Sun has occupied the 5th house and Rahu is placed in the 12th house. Both the planets are quite strong in the chart but ill aligned from each other. However in navamsa chart both the planets have again gained a lot of strength. Perhaps this is the reason that Hillary Clinton is fighting hard her battle and cruising close to Obama’s tally. Since, primarily both the planets are weak in the chart, it does not assure her the top post but she could be offered to be Deputy of Obama.

Barack Obama

At the time of Barack Obama’s birth Libra lagna was rising on the eastern horizon and the planetary configuration is as under: Saturn, Jupiter – Capricorn, Ketu – Aquarius, Moon – Taurus, Venus – Gemini, Sun, Mercury – Cancer and Mars, Rahu in Leo.

Head of State:
The lord of lagna is beautifully placed in the 9th house which represents luck. This placement of planet promises that one could be the head of State, if other planets contribute the same way as lagna lord has projected in the chart.

Buddhaditya Rajayoga:
Due to the placement of Sun and Mercury in the 10th house a powerful “Buddhaditya Rajayoga’ has taken place. This rajayoga makes the person bold, intelligent, a tactician and foresighted too. Saturn and Jupiter are placed in the 4th house. Both these planets are involved in a mutual aspect with Sun and Mercury. This phenomenon indicates that success will not come easily to Obama and he has to fight tooth and nail till the last.

Fulfillment of Cherished Goal:
Placement of Mars and Rahu in the 11th house is very good. This house indicates huge gains and fulfillment of long cherished desires. This house also indicates friends and well wishers across the globe. We foresee that Obama will win over many friends and admirers throughout the globe in the coming years.

Placement of Moon in the 8th house gives mixed results. Being the lord of 10th i.e. position (karma), the placement of Moon is detrimental to an extent in getting the desired results. Nothing comes easily and doubt and fear exists till the last count.

Mahadasa Results:
In his chart major period of Jupiter will continue for many more years. Jupiter – Venus will continue till 10th of August 2008. Jupiter has occupied the 4th house and Venus is placed in the 9th. Independently both the planets are very strong in the chart but wrongly aligned from each other. Due to this very reason Obama is not able to establish a clear lead against her party arc rival Hillary Clinton. However marginally he is still ahead of her. We believe Hillary Clinton can tie him down for a while but Obama is fighting next election as a democratic candidate against McCain. His good period of Jupiter – Sun will begin from August 2008 for the next one year. Both are beautifully placed in the chart which clearly indicates that he will be the winner.

John S. McCain

John McCain was born when Virgo ascendant was rising on the eastern horizon and the planetary placement was as such: Mercury – Virgo, Jupiter – Scorpio, Rahu – Sagittarius, Moon – Capricorn, Saturn – Aquarius, Ketu – Gemini, Mars – Cancer and Sun, Venus in Leo.

Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga:
At the time of McCain’s birth Virgo ascendant was rising on the eastern horizon and lord of lagna is well placed in the lagna itself. The placement of Mercury has given rise to a powerful rajayoga called ‘Bhadra’. This rajayoga comes under the category of “Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga” which promises great success in life.

Great Fighter:
Placement of Jupiter in the 3rd house is very encouraging. This house deals with prowess and we all know that McCain was a great fighter throughout his life. As a matter of fact he comes from the family of fighters. Rahu has occupied the 4th house and Ketu is placed in the 10th. This placement of planets gives good results to the native as far as career is concerned.

Difficulty in final competition:

Moon has occupied the 5th house, the house of creativity which denotes good growth in life. Saturn has occupied the 6th house which is good. Sun and Venus are placed in the 12th house which is alright. All these planets are involved in a mutual aspect with gives mixed results. Since this house also deals with competition and indicates initial success but later on negativity takes over. Debiliated Mars has occupied the 11th house which by and large is alright.

Mahadasa Results:
In his chart Saturn’s mahadasa is at its fag end. This dasa will come to end in April 2009. At present Saturn – Jupiter are in operation. Both the planets are well aligned from each other but dasa is at its fag end. In astrology when dasa is ending it does not give great results. Therefore we assume that McCain will go down fighting US President Election 2008.

Final Analysis:
Obama will have an edge
After analyzing the horoscope of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain, we come to conclusion that Barack Obama will be the next President of America.

Ban on Shoaib Akhtar will be lifted shortly...

Ban on Shoaib Akhtar will be lifted shortly...
sunildutt upadhyay
Most of my readers are aware that I do a daily radio program for FM Pulse 95.3 based in Dubai. The jockey Dev of FM beside routine bytes always asks important questions about people or events. Today, dated 2nd April 2008 he asked me what will be the fate of Shoaib Akhtar. Recently Pakistan cricket board has banned Shoaib Akhtar from playing for Pakistan for the next five years.

Will ever ban be lifted on Shoaib Akhtar asked RJ Dev? At the time of his question Taurus lagna was rising on the eastern horizon and planetary configuration was like this: Mars – Gemini, Saturn, Ketu – Leo, Jupiter, Pluto – Sagittarius, Moon, Neptune – Capricorn, Rahu, Uranus – Aquarius and Sun, Mercury, Venus in Pisces.

At the time of this prashna (question) Taurus lagna was rising on the eastern horizon. The lord of lagna Venus is exalted and placed in the 11th house with Sun and Mercury. According to prashna kundli (question chart), if the lord of lagna is exalted and conjoins with his friends in a good house then it helps the native to a great extent. This house indicates that Shoaib Akhtar’s cause will get many friends from cricket fratinity and fans all over the world will support him immensely. By and by, Pakistan Cricket Board will start losing its authority as far as this issue is concerned.

The lord of 7th house Mars which represents opposition read here PCB is posited in the 2nd house and aspected by Jupiter from the 8th house. This configuration indicates that board has already acted tough and shall train its guns against Shoaib Akhtar for a while. But gradually board will start losing its grounds and look for an amicable solution with Shoaib Akhtar.

Shoaib Akhtar has already threatened the board that he will go to the court and seek their intervention in this matter. Since Mars is aspected by the Jupiter which gives a clear indication that Supreme Court of Pakistan will support Shoaib Akhtar and ask the board to lift the ban on him.

In this chart 10th house is being occupied by Rahu and being aspect by its lord Saturn from the 4th house. The 10th house which has everything to do with your karma (action), honour, respect, prestige is supporting Shoaib Akhtar. This means that Shoaib Akhtar will get immense support from all possible quarters and his earlier since (if it were) then they also be mitigated to a great extent.

Shoaib Akhtar will come out with flying colours and this ban will be lifted before 18/02/2009 and we expect that this ban will be lifted within the next 6 months time.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


RAHU and KETU are called snake planets, or shadow planets, in Vedic astrology. They do not exist as a visible celestial object like the other planets. They are called phantom planets and have no house representation in the zodiac chart. In Vedic astrology, they are considered as the nodes of the moon. Rahu is represented by the head of the snake and corresponds to the North Node of the Moon. Ketu has the body of the snake and is the South Node.

The Rahu & Ketu move together in the ephemeris. In ones horoscope, the move backwards, i.e. counter-clockwise, and remain in one Sign for approximately 1 ½ years. The snake planets are transiting on April 9, 2008 according to the Tamil tradition (Vakkiyam) of astrology. The Vedic astrology based on mathematical calculations has it on April 29, 2008. Both traditions are valid. The Tamil is more based on intuition of the Siddhas. Under the guidance of Dattatreya Siva Baba, Astroved will take advantage of both dates to remedy the unwanted effects this transit may bring and to augment the positive effects.

The movement of Ketu into Cancer has some serious consequences in the oceans and waterfront. People with their Moon in Capricorn will have to be cautious in investments and expansions. The Movement of Rahu into Capricorn will cause phenomenal influences in stock market and real estates. Capricorn people should be prudent in their endeavors so as to achieve success and popularity in the next 1 1/2 years.

Even though Rahu-Ketu transit together, they are yet two separate planets. Each planet giving their own effects: sometimes good, sometimes bad. Hence you may wish to remedy one or the other based on their effects predicted. The overlord for Rahu is Goddess Durga and the overlord for Ketu is Lord Ganesha. Click here to alleviate Rahu & Ketu affliction.

Story behind Rahu and Ketu:

In order to understand the power of the planets over human life or any life for that matter, one should understand the mythology of the planets. Ancient cultures with extrasensory perceptions knew that the planets are not simply celestial object coming around the Sun. They are beings with tremendous amount of power.

Rahu and Ketu, now two beings were initially one person the demon "Swarnabanu". The story goes that the Sun God and the Moon God prevented Swarnabanu from receiving the elixir of life from Lord Vishnu which was obtained by churning the celestial ocean "Kshirsagar". Receiving the hint from the Sun and the Moon about the demonic nature of Swarnabanu, Vishnu split Swarnabanu into two halves. Rahu and Ketu originated from the disected portions of the demon Swarnabanu. Rahu and Ketu undertook severe penance invoking Lord Brahma, the creator. Lord Brahma appeared before them and granted them a boon conferring them planet status. This is how Rahu and Ketu became two planets.

Rahu and Ketu since then became the enemies of the Sun and Moon. During the eclipses the snakes Rahu and Ketu attempt to swallow up the Sun and the Moon. Rahu and Ketu afflict Cancer and Leo most because, these two zodiacs signs belong to the Moon and the Sun. The two halves of Swarnabanu that attained planet status viz Rahu and Ketu are personification of time as Past and Future. Ketu- Past, Rahu-Future. The creator Brahma having realized that the separation of time was inevitable , bestowed planetary status to Rahu and Ketu. They would represent time till the dissolution of the Universe.

Rahu and Ketu are the planets of Karmic retribution. The placement of Rahu in our natal chart shows the areas in our life that will require special attention in this lifetime. And the Ketu placement indicates what we are carrying over from our previous lifetime. The two are always moving in retrograde direction and change their signs every eighteen months.


POLITICAL PREDICTIONS BY SUNILDUTT UPADHYAYJI 1. In USA elections are there & there are two prominent candidates first is HILLARY CLINTON & second is OBAMA BARACK, these two candidates will have neck to neck fight & who ever will win,will win with one or two votes margin. But my winner would be OBAMA BARACK, which may take some time for the final decision, like last year election result in Germany.

2. Between April 2008 – Aug 2008, there can be a mid-term poll in India, in which Congress will lose to BJP & Mr.Advani will be the next PM of India, but after one year of Mr.Advani’s prime- minister ship,Mr.Narendra Modi will take over the prime-minister ship & will remain as PM only for the period of one year or one & half years. But after that whenever election will happen which is possible from Nov 2010 – Nov 2011 congress will come back in the power & Mr.Rahul Gandhi will become the youngest PM of this country & then he will complete his full–term.

3. Now that Mr.Gillani has been declared as the Prime Minister of Pakistan, but according to the horoscope of Mr.Asif Ali Zardari, I see him as the super Prime Minister of Pakistan & according to his horoscope he will be controlling power in Pakistan.

4.As per as Mr.Raj Thackeray’s horoscope is concerned he will become more popular & after 2010 it is possible that he may join coilation in the ruling party of Maharashtra .

5.Mr.Vilasrao Deshmukh will complete his terms.


1. In USA elections are there & there are two prominent candidates first is HILLARY CLINTON & second is OBAMA BARACK, these two candidates will have neck to neck fight & who ever will win,will win with one or two votes margin. But my winner would be OBAMA BARACK, which may take some time for the final decision, like last year election result in Germany.

2. Between April 2008 – Aug 2008, there can be a mid-term poll in India, in which Congress will lose to BJP & Mr.Advani will be the next PM of India, but after one year of Mr.Advani’s prime- minister ship,Mr.Narendra Modi will take over the prime-minister ship & will remain as PM only for the period of one year or one & half years. But after that whenever election will happen which is possible from Nov 2010 – Nov 2011 congress will come back in the power & Mr.Rahul Gandhi will become the youngest PM of this country & then he will complete his full–term.

3. Now that Mr.Gillani has been declared as the Prime Minister of Pakistan, but according to the horoscope of Mr.Asif Ali Zardari, I see him as the super Prime Minister of Pakistan & according to his horoscope he will be controlling power in Pakistan.

4.As per as Mr.Raj Thackeray’s horoscope is concerned he will become more popular & after 2010 it is possible that he may join coilation in the ruling party of Maharashtra .

5.Mr.Vilasrao Deshmukh will complete his terms.

numerology science


There is a interesting aspect of the relationship between numbers and the planets. In order to understand this relationship thoroughly, it is important to keep in mind that there are twelve signs in the zodiac.
What is the Zodiac?
The zodiac is a belt of the heavens limited by lines. These lines are about eight degrees on each side from the path which the earth traverses, and include all apparent positions of the Sun and the planets, as known to the ancients. They are divided into twelve equal parts called the signs of the zodiac.
What is the Ecliptic?
The ecliptic is the Sun's apparent orbit, the path in the sky on which the Sun appears to travel, completing one full circle in one year. It is the earth which really moves round the Sun, but to us dwellers on the Earth- the Sun appears to move. The ecliptic is, therefore, really the path which the earth traverses.In astrology, the ecliptic or Sun's annual path, is divided into twelve equal parts; as the entire circle of the path consists of 360 degree(like any other circle), each of the twelve equal divisions contains 30 degree. These twelve divisions are called zodiac signs.It takes the Earth 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 45.6 seconds to complete one orbit around the Sun. However, by convention we assume that the Earth completes one orbit in 365 days, i.e. one year. To account for and wipe off the unaccounted time of 5 hours, 48 minutes and 45.6 seconds per year, every fourth year is taken to have 366 days (instead of 365 days) and is known as a leap year.
The Zodiac Signs
The zodiac is divided into twelve parts; each part is called a sign.As explained above, it is really the earth which travels around the Sun and not the Sun which goes around the Earth. However, all works on astrology and astronomy base their nomenclature on the apparent motion of the Sun around the Earth. We shall also use the same nomenclature. As the Sun moves in its apparent orbit, it enters and traverses the twelve signs into which the zodiac has been divided. The exact date and time of the Sun's entry into a particular sign can be known only by reference to the ephemeris for the year.
We have approximate dates of the Sun's entry into various signs. However, the exact hour and time of the Sun's entry into any sign can only be known by reference to the ephemeris of that particular year. The knowledge of the exact time is important for the reason explained below. We shall, hereafter, refer to the Sun's location in various signs. When an individual is born on March 21, by looking at the table of dates showing the Sun's entry into the various signs, one would assume that the Sun is in Aries.To be more accurate, however, it would be safer to refer to the ephemeris for the year of birth, and then ascertain whether the birth was at an hour before the Sun entered Aries or after the Sun's entry into Aries. If the time of the birth on March 21 was before the time of Sun's entry into Aries, the native's Sun would be said to be in Pisces and not Aries. What has been recommended and explained here for March 21, applies also to all births which occur on the cuspidai dates, i.e. the dates on which the Sun leaves the previous sign and enters the next one.