Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Saturday, May 31, 2008

prediction for mallika

मल्लिका शेरावत पूर्व में एयर होस्टेज रह चुकी हैं। आपका जन्म 24 अक्टूबर 1982 को तुला लग्न में हरियाणा के रोहतक जिले में हुआ। तुला लग्न वाली लड़कियाँ अधिकांशत: इकहरे शरीर की होती हैं। लग्न में शुक्र, ‍शनि, गुरु, सूर्य हैं।

शुक्र सुंदरता का प्रतीक है तो आपकी सुंदरता को शनि ने और प्रभावी बना दिया। आपकी पत्रिका में दैत्यों के गुरु शुक्र और देवताओं के गुरु बृह‍स्पति भी विराजमान हैं। जहाँ सूर्य नीच के हैं तो सूर्य का नीच भंग भी हो रहा है। दो पंच महापुरुष राजयोग में से एक मालव्य व दूसरा शनि से बना यश योग भी है।

आपकी पत्रिका में सुखेश जो जनता भूमि भवन भाव का स्वामी शनि व पंचम मनोरंजन भाव का स्वामी उच्च का होकर लग्न में कला के कारक शुक्र के साथ है। आपने हॉलीवुड के प्रसिद्ध अभिनेता जैकी चेन के साथ भी अभिनय किया व काफी चर्चा में रहीं। 'वेलकम' में आपने सेक्सी इमेज को तोड़ा, लेकिन कई कलाकारों के साथ होने से आपकी ज्यादा पहचान नहीं हो पाई। आपको सेक्सी इमेज में देखना ही पसंद किया जाता है।

मल्लिका शेरावत पूर्व में एयर होस्टेज रह चुकी हैं। आपका जन्म 24 अक्टूबर 1982 को तुला लग्न में हरियाणा के रोहतक जिले में हुआ। तुला लग्न वाली लड़कियाँ अधिकांशत: इकहरे शरीर की होती हैं। लग्न में शुक्र, ‍शनि, गुरु, सूर्य हैं।

आपको यदि अच्छा मौका मिले व पटकथा के साथ कोई मँझा हुआ डायरेक्टर मिले तो आपकी प्रतिभा कुछ अलग ही नजर आएगी। आपकी पत्रिका में कुछ अच्छे राजयोग हैं। लेकिन इसके साथ-साथ उन्नति में बाधक दो योग भी हैं एक कालसर्प योग, दूसरा शनि की मंगल पर तृतीय दृष्टि जो पराक्रम में है।

सप्तम पति का भाव होता है अत: दाम्पत्य जीवन नष्ट होता है। कालसर्प योग भी आपकी उन्नति में बाधा का कारण बनता है। गोचर ग्रह यदि शुभ दृष्टि लग्न पंचम पर डाले तो वह जातक के लिए कुछ समय अच्छा व्यतीत होगा। आपकी राशि धनु है गुरु तृतीयेश व षष्ठेश होकर शुक्र की राशि तुला में है जो बाधक भी है। लेकिन शनि का गोचरीय भ्रमण सिंह में चल रहा है। वहीं शनि की तृतीय दृष्टि उच्च लग्न पर पड़ रही है। जो आपको परिश्रम द्वारा लाभ पहुँचाएगी। वहीं सप्तम भाव पर स्वदृष्टि पड़ने से मनोरंजन के क्षे‍त्र में भी कुछ सहायक होगी।

शनि की दृष्टि शुभ नहीं मानी जाती लेकिन उच्च, स्व या मित्र दृष्टि हो तो परिणाम शुभ देती है। अत: आपके लिए शनि सिंह में जब तक भ्रमण करेगा तब तक समय ठीक रहेगा। शनि 16 अगस्त 2009 से कन्या में जाएगा। उस समय आपको सावधानी रखना होगी।

Wednesday, May 14, 2008



Similar to other books of astrology, Lal Kitab also gives a detailed description of the significance of mangal. According to this book, mangal (Mars) is an ungraceful and atrocious planet. Mangal has been described in two forms-gracious and brutal. The God of gracious mangal is Hanuman ji which has been acknowledged in all the astrological texts. The Gods of brutal mangal are ghosts. But in the Lal Kitab, Kartikeya is considered the head of this planet. He is the son of Lord Mahadev and brother of Lord Ganesha. That is why it has been suggested in the astrological texts to worship Hanuman and Kartikeya to maximize their grace. The grace or brutality of mangal is of high order as this is not a middle level planet. They are at their extremes. In Lal Kitab, mangal has been considered gracious in certain conditions. For instance, if both Sun and Mercury are together, mangal will be graceful. Besides, if Sun is in the 6th house, Saturn or Jupiter is in 3rd, 4th, 8th or 9th house, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are together, Mercury and Ketu are in one house, two opposite planets are in one house, Chandra lagna is in the fourth or rajya bhav, in prakram, or Chandra shukra, Chandra mangal shukra or shukra and other friends of mangal (sun, moon or Jupiter) are helping mangal, then constellations are considered positive for that person.

Unholy mangal is known as Veerbhadra in Lal Kitab and is has been accepted that mangal is neither brutal nor benevolent. Its characteristics can be analysed only on the basis of horoscope. It has been said in Lal Kitab that when the friendly planets of mangal are not helping mangal then it becomes negative. If there is presence of Sun or Saturn in the horoscope, then mangal becomes negative. When mangal does not get help from his father Sun, then it becomes brutal. If sun is in the 5th or 9th house with Ketu or in the 6th or 12th house with Rahu or in the Surya lagna, mangal is in the 8th house or sun and Venus are in the 7th house or sun and mercury are not helping mangal, then mangal becomes ungraceful.

As is well known, if mangal is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house, then we have “mangal dosh”. It has also been said in Lal Kitab that mangal in these houses are not good. In astrology, mangal in second house is also considered to be good. But mangal in the second house could be inactive and powerless. Mangal dosh signals the negativity of mangal. The places where mangal dosh formation takes place have special importance in kundali. For instance, from the first house of mangal, health, body etc are analysed. If mangal has the negative influence in the first house then that person will suffer from the health problems. He will also be rigid and aggressive. From the 4th house, comforts, happiness, wealth, house, vehicle and consumer items are analysed. From the 7th house, life of spouse and pleasure is analysed. If mangal has bad influence on the 7th house then this will create troubles in the married life of that person. From the eighth house, life and age of a person is analyzed. If there is a mangal dosh here, then a person can face several problems. There is a fear of death also here. From the 12th house, losses, expenditure, punishment, insult etc are analysed. If mangal is present in this house, there will be unnecessary expenditure and the person will lose sleep due to this.

The presence of mangal in various houses has different results. However, this is universally accepted that conjugal life is related to the above description of mangal. In the married life, body, mind and pleasure have special importance. Mangal dosh affects the conjugal life but the confluence of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Sun with Mangal has diminishing effects. This has also been accepted in the Lal Kitab that mangal has its worst impact if it is located in the seventh and eighth houses but in the vyaya house it has very limited impact. Fundamentally, mangal dosh creates an obstacle in cordial family relationship because agni elements are dominant which is not affected by other ordinary planets. As a result, person turns aggressive, rigid, passionate and short tempered. This affects the family life of that person.

In Lal Kitab, certain methods have been described through which a person, rich or poor, can overcome the evil impacts of mangal without much efforts. There are various methods suggested in this book but some of the general methods are applicable for all mangal doshas. This must be followed. For instance, the metal of mangal is copper and moonga jewelry. Honey and sweets are favorite of mangal. Through pacifying it and worshipping, lagna can be made powerful. Fast on Tuesday, worshipping Hanuman ji, donation of honey, vermillion, lintel, sleeping on animal skin, using pure silver, assisting brother etc are some of the methods through which mangal dosh can be overcome. Worshipping Hanuman ji is the best method of controlling the evil impact of mangal. There is also a provision of worshipping Kartikeya and earth. One can also worship mangaldeva or his niece Yamuna. Worshipping of Sun God is also helpful. These methods of Lal Kitab prove to be very effective. By following these methods even an ordinary person can thwart the evil impacts of mangal without any side effects.

If mangal lagna is unholy or there is a mangal dosh, a person should not accept gifts and should not take anything without paying the cost. Objects made of elephant teeth should be kept in house.

If mangal in the fourth house is bad then that person should not start business of honey and sugar. Serve monkeys, animals and mother. Give sugar and gram to monkeys. This is also the remedy for evil mangal in the eighth house. Get the blessings of widows and distribute salt on son’s birthday.

If mangal is negative in the seventh house, then the person should distribute sweets to sister, in-laws, daughter and aunts. Do not be a false witness in the court of law. Wife should wear red colour silver bangle. If mangal is evil in the vyaya house, then the person should take honey empty stomach in the morning, donate in the temples and serve food to other people.

Hence, Lal Kitab prescribes methods for overcoming mangal doshas. There are different prescriptions based on lagna which is not possible to be deliberated upon here. But the easiest method has been described in this book. Therefore, this book has special importance in astrology. In these methods, importance has been given to human relationships. It has been suggested that by serving mother, aunt, sister, uncle and other relatives, the impact of mangal dosh can be minimized. The favourite God of mangal is Hanuman who was devoted to Lord Rama. Hanuman ji is especially generous to celibates. But since it is necessary to have family, the meeting of husband and wife becomes necessary. In this case, commitment towards each other becomes essential. Apart from taking simple food, non-vegetarian foods have also been permitted.

To sum up, by following the methods prescribed in Lal Kitab, one can overcome the evil impacts of mangal dosh and can make one’s family and conjugal life happy and prosperous.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Jupiter turns Retrograde

Jupiter turns Retrograde

Jupiter is a benefic planet known for bestowing wealth, intelligence, education, knowledge, devotion, prosperity, faith, royal honor and children and is turning retrograde on 9th of may 2008. It shall turn Direct only in October 2008. In general retrograde Jupiter can confer following effects for different moon signs:-

Aries:- Opportunities await you. Rewards are likely for those who have focused objectives. Financial pressure likely to built up in coming days. Avoid borrowing or lending money. Talk to relatives and friends to unburden you. Family get together can bring happiness. Elders and children demand attention. Persons with persistent health problem need extra care.

Taurus:- Professional recognition and transfers are likely for few. Finances shall improve despite heavy expenses. Finish all pending jobs; avoiding speculation shall be foremost during this period. Partners shall be supportive of ideas and plans. Personal life and matters related to it need special attention. Argument with children can lead to tension – don’t strain beyond a point. Time to improve upon you health and dietary pattern.
Gemini:- On Career front, it shall be a mixed period with nothing exceptional. This period can be stressful for partnerships. Those in partnership might suffer losses. Avoid arguments with boss/ colleagues, as this might harm you adversely. Expenses can go over budget during this period. Persistent stress/ strained family relations shall be there. Health of mother can also be a source of concern for you. Good period of students/ success in competitions. Debt/ loans should be avoided.
Cancer:- Pending jobs shall be completed and new projects shall start taking shape. Avoid discussions at work place at it might strain relationships. Speculation/ legal matters shall be avoided. Money making ventures might not bring satisfactory results. There are likely chances of overspending. Your spouse and family shall do things to please you. Social gatherings shall bring new richness in life. Those suffering from health problems need extra care.

Leo:- Strong resilience and fearless shall boost your morale and keep things moving. Avoid hasty decisions while negotiating on important deals. Money matters remain stable. Plans shall get executed as per dead lines. Expenses on renovation, luxuries and vehicles are likely for few. Friends and family shall brighten up life. Relax and spent time with them. Health of some dear one can be source of concern. Better to check your diet during the month.

Virgo:- It is advised to plan your days thoughtfully without relying on others. Don’t waste time on irrelevant matters. Those close to you might create problems for you. Avoid sharing secrets with others. New money making ventures shall be lucrative. Younger sibling might seek advice. Infatuation can bring odd hence be careful. Share your problem with family members they shall be helpful. Be cautious of routine exercise and diets.

Jupiter turns Retrograde

Jupiter turns Retrograde

Libra:- Don’t compel others to do things for you. Your cooperative attitude and analytical skills shall be noticed. Think twice before making commitments. Else you may land up in troubles. Expenditure shall rise so the income. Saving need extra check. Stay away from people who can bring troubles for you. Family matters can bring some trouble but you shall manage to communicate with people who matter. Thrilling news April cheer up family. Health shall be perfect.

Scorpio:- Professionally challenging assignment shall take up most of your time. Take your own decisions and you shall reap benefits. Problems related to financial matters may ease off. Speculation can be profitable for some. Time to relax with family members. Do not let children take advantage of your generosity. A short trip is likely for some. Health shall remain on better side.
Sagittarius:- On career front this period shall be worrisome. It can lead to undue pressure and tensions. Further it shows more labor and fewer gains. Financially it shall be a mixed period for you. This is the time when some of you can get recognition, but it may not be very easy, as you shall have to put in extra efforts to prove yourself. Happy news from relatives/ close friends can very well be expected. Relationships need to be given special consideration. Health of elders can be source of concern for you.
Capricorn:- Chances of recognition and gains can be expected for some. Those planning to go for an investment this are the right period. Family relations shall be more or less average. Arguments with co-bores /father are possible. Health of elders can be source of concern Good relations with children are indicated. Eligible bachelors can get married. Some of you shall be blessed with progeny. This shall be a good time for students who shall be able to achieve success and advancements. For some of you prosperous overseas visits / deals are expected.
Aquarius:- Do things that make you happy but try to stay away from others affairs. Dedication and loyalty towards work shall bring rewards. Seniors shall appreciate your efforts. Financial position shall improve. You might spend on luxuries. Time to spend some time with friends and family. New relationships/ alliances are in way. Eligible bachelors can get engaged. Be careful while signing documents. Routine exercise shall keep you in good health.

Pieces:- Negotiations with customers and clients shall work to your advantage. You shall be engrossed in moneymaking ventures. Improved finances shall enable you to pay long-standing dues. Your spouse and parents shall be supportive and helpful. Unexpected news can bring happiness and cheer in family. Drive carefully, travels might prove hectic and stressful. Overwork/ long working hours can adversely affect health.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008




After 2nd May 2008 Saturn has gone straighten & Rahu & Ketu has changed their position on 30thApril.Therefore looking at the placement of other stars where Sun & Venus have also changed, it is very clearly indicating that till 30th May 2008,market will keep on growing & it may touch 18,500 Or 18,600.

1.BSE will keep on playing between 16,400 – 18,400.

2.NSE will also keep on playing between 5,000 – 5,400 but it can also touch 5,500.

3. 3.Gold can come down to $ 820 per ounce in the Inter-National Market.

4.Silver can touch $ 15.70 cents per ounce in the Inter-National Market.

5.Oil can touch $ 120 per barrel but only after 9thMay.It may drop down to $ 105 per barrel.

6.DOWJONE once again can cross 13,500 & drop down to 12,700.

7.Real Estate & Property in will atleast see 15 % - 20 % correction in next three months

8.Vulnerable metal Iron & Steel will also see correction in the range of 10 % - 20%.


Precious Stones & Gems

Precious Stones & Gems

Precious Stones and Numbers : Wearing Precious Stones & Gems

The correct procedure for wearing a jewel is explained here, and this should be followed. The stone or the gem should be worn in a way that a part of the surface touches the skin and the other is exposed to the atmosphere. The jewel may be studded in a ring, in such a way that the lower surface touches the skin and the upper side is open, to attract the radiation from the atmosphere. Women and girls may wear the jewel as a pendant so that the lower surface touches the skin and the upper surface is open. Any part of clothing covering the pendant does not mitigate the good effect.

A word of caution here: any gem, precious stone or jewel should be initially worn for a three-day trial period. If its beneficial effect is evident, it may be worn permanently. If during the trial period of three days, the jewel shows some untoward or adverse effect, it should be discarded at once, and another piece tried in a similar manner after a few days.

The blue sapphire, the cat's eye and gomed are very potent- both for their beneficial effect and their adverse influence and, therefore, must be worn only after a period of trial. The pearl, on the other hand, does not need a trial. It always has a beneficial effect. The coral, emerald, ruby, diamond, and yellow sapphire are generally beneficial, but it is still recommended that they be worn permanently only after a trial. One point needs further clarification. Suppose you try wearing a blue sapphire,and find that instead of a happy event or good news ensuing during the three days of trial, you receive bad news or perturbing, agitating or disturbing developments take place- this would imply that the particular piece of blue sapphire does not suit you. You should, therefore, return it to the jeweler immediately, without waiting for the three-day trial period to be over.

This does not, however, mean that a blue sapphire does not suit you. It only means that that particular piece of blue sapphire does not suit you. You should, therefore, try another piece of blue sapphire after a few days.

In order to bestow a totally good effect, a gem should be without a spot, crack or any other blemish. The gem should be real and natural, and cultured or artificial.
The metals for each sector, as recommended above, must be worn next to the skin. An iron ring made out of a (i) nail from the bottom of a boat, which has been in water for over ten years or (ii) out of the shoe of a black horse, has been found very paralysis; annihilates enemies and brings good luck.